rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

10 July – 5:30-7:45 PM

It was a lovely evening on Thursday, and I was lucky enough to see two of the young falcons flying in the Genesee River gorge.  Just wonderful!

Marcia L.

7 Responses to “10 July – 5:30-7:45 PM”

  1. Carol P. Says:

    Great action shots Marcia! Just beautiful! – Carol P.

  2. Kathy V Says:

    Those are real good pictures, thanks.

  3. Jon & Joni Says:

    We had some nice flybyes while at the baseball game. No Ids but 2 juvies flew right over the stadium during the game. One landed on the lights by right field side. Very cool.

  4. Jim Says:

    Love the shot of Z-man raking the leaves and branches on takeoff!

  5. Alison in Austria Says:

    lovely, thank-you, Marcia.

  6. Lorr54 Says:

    Fabulous pictures! Thank you!

  7. Bennie Oliviera Says:

    Individuals also forgot how to spell mail lol

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