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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – Juvies in the Gorge! 8-2-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Larry O

Went to the Pons Du Rennes this a.m. with Harold to see what could be seen. The first looks around were negative, but as is often the case, while looking into the gorge at the High Falls, I caught sight of something in among the gulls, that was not a gull. It took a bit more watching, and getting the binocs on it, but it was a juvie. In fact, I quickly had 2 juvies flying back and forth along the waterfall wall, climbing and diving on each other, and chasing the gulls and even one poor blue heron who got in the way.

The flying demo was beautiful to watch against such a scenic backdrop. The eventually alit on the east wall, but if you had not been watching, you would not have seen them there. Perfect camoflauge.
The next time I saw them, one was heading west over the river, then State St to Frontier Field. While following the juvie, I watched one come in from the south and then the third appeared over Frontier also. For the next five minutes, the three were playing over the ball field. They went down below the building roof line, and I no longer saw them.

3 Responses to “Fledge Watch – Juvies in the Gorge! 8-2-13”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Thanks, Larry. I wish I could have seen the flying demo over the gorge. Sounds wonderful!

  2. MAK Says:

    I’m so happy for you Larry-it must have brought back fond memories of the M&K days! Wish I had gotten there in time to watch them with you. 🙂

  3. Carol P. Says:

    I’m ecstatic that Larry saw them in the gorge. I plan on spending some time there this weekend in hopes of seeing them there. 🙂

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