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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 8-8-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

I was woken up by a clap of thunder and the flash of lightening at 4am and when I left for my watch at 5:30am it was sprinkling and 66 (F)  19 (C)  humid degrees.

Still dark when I arrived at the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) I couldn’t see any PEFAs nor did I see any at Kodak Office (KO) or the Times Square (TSB),Broad St bridge (BSB) areas. I did however find Beauty on the northeast corner of HSBC but she flew off before I could pull over heading northwest toward the river. I made my way back to City Hall and found Dot.Ca (DC) on the top arm west side of FCT.


A couple minutes later a small falcon (probably Baron) came streaking  thru from behind the tower over the platform flying southeast out of view quickly. A couple minutes later DC took off to the southwest just as fast and vanished into the semi dark sky. I left for the Pont De Rennes pedestrian bridge where I found Dan . He said he had seen 3  flying near FCT right after he arrived and that one had landed on the jail tower and left and 1 landed on FCT. That one was still there on a north side white beam below the platform eating.

img_0007-baron-eating Click my pics to see the full version

5 minutes later I spotted a PEFA on the west side railing of HSBC. Too much of a distance to tell if adult or juvie.


A few minutes later it left HSBC. There was a lull for the next 25 minutes when at 7am the FCT falcon left and Dan followed suit as he left for home. I drove over to FCT and found Baron on a northside beam with a full crop. As a matter of fact today featured bulging crops.


He left after 5 minutes passed and it looked like he had landed on the small tower but after viewing from a different angle I found that he did not but rather flew away to the west.

img_0025-baron-stretches-out-a-wing img_0031-baron-flies-off

I searched downtown but came up empty for falcons so I drove to Brighton to find Pigott around 8am. She was at the east end of the south side vent and she was checking out everything that moved.

img_0036-pigott img_0041-it-was-this-big-makimg_0047-pigott-tail-feathers-looking-better

She stayed up there for 45 minutes faking me out several times as she would spread her wings and lunge forward a bit making me think she was taking off.  And lots of stretching!

img_0052-stretch-time img_0053-stretchhhhh img_0055-boy-that-feels-good

I got a text from fellow watcher and good friend DebbieH that as she got to work she saw a falcon on the jail tower. Thanks Deb! At 8:45am Miss Pigott flew off to the northwest and didn’t return.

img_0056-see-ya-later-mak img_0058-bye-pigott

I returned to the pedestrian bridge and checked the high falls gorge area and saw nothing but I did see a falcon on the top arm west side of FCT. Off to City Hall I went, actually Church St where I was able to ID it as DC, he had a full crop and a small package in his talons. I also identified 2 falcon watchers on the sidewalk as Linda (Braveheart) and her son Tim.


I left them to park my car in front of City Hall and while I was over there I found Beauty on the east side a bit lower than the large satellite dish on FCT.


I walked back over to where Linda and Tim were standing in front of the Hochstein School of Music and while I did that DC flew off the arm and landed under the platform near the southeast corner.


Voyager was over on a north side beam with a bulging crop!!! She was busy picking at her talons,looking around and even took a little food induced nap.

img_0078-hi-mom<click it img_0081-hiya img_0084-oh-really-darling

Mostly she whined -she whined at dad,she whined at mom, she whined at Baron when he came in landing below her and then he took over the whining.

img_0091-can-you-hear-me-now img_0093-im-all-cropped-out img_0097-i-said-can-you-hear-me-now

img_0118-baron-says-waych-out-sis-im-coming-thru<DC  img_0125-hey-sis-ill-do-the-talkin-now

Beauty moved over to the south side where we could see her and she had a full crop as well. So we had 4 fully cropped falcons on FCT and I was thinking that Rosetta was probably somewhere nearby filling her crop.

img_0128-our-falcon-family-minus-rosetta Click it

Baron was quite antsy and noisy, eventually at 10:55am he took off flying southwest. I called it a watch and Linda and Tim left as well. Full crops and noisy fledglings made this watcher smile today! 🙂

Click on the links below to view my photo album and videos



2 Responses to “Fledge watch 8-8-13”

  1. Braveheart2665 Says:

    Great to see you today MAK & great to see most all the pefa family. We walked across the ped. bridge & I loved the view & did fine. Then we walked back & ate lunch at the brew house out on the deck. Food was delicious. Great day of vacation.

  2. MAK Says:

    Excellent Linda! A good time with your son too eh!? I was glad to see you too-I so love it when I come across people looking at falcons!! 🙂

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