rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 2-14-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Happy Valentines Day to all!

This mornings watch was just like the wind today…fast and furious!  Not much to report really but nevertheless EXCITING! After 45 minutes of watching everything but birds flying on the Broad St. bridge they came zooming in from the north. Pigeons flying in a frenzy above the river up over the sidewalk rail and to the south side of the bridge. Suddenly a falcon appeared behind them fast as I’ve ever seen. A second later zoom another falcon came streaking across the bridge in front of me. I contemplated trying to video tape it but there was no time and they were moving way to fast. So I jumped out of the truck and just enjoyed the show. What’s faster than a falcon chasing pigeons? A falcon with 40mph sustained winds on its tail feathers that’s what! Beauty and Mr. T were zigzagging back and forth up and down the river. Separating and swooping back towards each other and the pigeons. Working together to split the pigeons up into smaller groups. Fast,fast,fast! In the end they were unsuccessful in catching breakfast but wow what an intense 2 or 3 minutes. They ended up flying over to the top Ibeam of the Old Changing Scenes Restaurant on the northeast side(riverside).


They remained there for the remainder of my watch, no doubt catching their collective breath and resting for the next attempted hunt for food! They surely took this watchers breath away! 🙂

3 Responses to “Morning watch 2-14-11”

  1. Donna Says:

    Wow, I think I read this too fast too! Amazing!!!

  2. margaret Says:

    Wonderful report, MAK. Reading your report is almost,….ALMOST…as good as being there! You have a flair for reporting what you see, and we do appreciate it! Your pictures are pretty darn good too!

  3. MAK Says:

    Thanks Donna and Margaret I appreciate your nice comments!:)

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