Morning watch 2-15-11
By Rochester falcon watcher MAK
Hi everyone! Another short report but a bonus today of live video coverage. I found who I thought was Beauty on the ledge below the southeast wing of the Times Square building tucked in close to the wing with her back to me. She had made a kill and the air around her was full of feathers. I quick tweeted it out and when I looked again Mr. T had joined her. He was hanging on the edge about a foot away from her watching very intently also with his back to me. When I got a front view I saw how white the chest was on the falcon eating and so it was Mr. T who had caught breakfast and Beauty who was waiting for leftovers.
Once he shared a tidbit with her I could see the salmon color on her chest. He then flew over to the ledge under the northeast wing, preened for a minute or so and left. I watched Beauty for a few more minutes and then ended my watch. The video is shaky because I digi-scoped it without my tripod as 2 of the legs don’t stay secured. I hope you enjoy it just the same. 🙂
February 15th, 2011 at 10:15 PM
That was AWESOME Mak!! I saw them on my way to work (I have been cutting through the Convention Center to Main St. – less ice). I watched her from my window at work & noticed Beauty was there about 2 hrs. this morning. I sure hope Mr. T and Archer don’t fight over her. Take care!