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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 8-18-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Picture perfect weather here in Rochester lately-calm,sunny and warm. It started out at 59 (F) 15 (C) for the morning watchers and just got better as time went on.

Todays watch was all about the lovely Miss Voyager. Ginny and I started the day with her and spent most of the day with her. City Hall was our starting point with a juvie on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) platform railing. Ginny was itching to meet the Beautyful one so I drove us over to the east side where we found Beauty on HSBC northwest corner. We also had a juvie on Midtown.

img_0013-beauty img_0015-juvie-on-midtown

They both took off and we headed over to High Falls where we met Dan and Larry on the pedestrian bridge. They had a falcon on Chase. I spotted 2 talon tagging over by the Radisson and they continued across the river behind OCSR where we lost one  and the other went to the Kodak Office (KO) launchpad.


I saw my first Eastern Kingbird in the river tree on the north side of the bridge.


Dan and Larry left a little after 8am as Ginny and I went over by KO and ID’d that bird as Beauty. She didn’t stay long before she stooped out of view.

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Next stop was Brighton where we found Pigott on the front edge of the cubby-Ginny was excited to meet her as well. She just kept saying she’s so pretty! And well, she is so pretty!!! She had a feather stuck to her forehead which we call a fascinator  around here. Pigott went in the cubby for a few minutes then came back out for a minute before flying up to the southwest corner of the west extension.

img_0034-pigott-with-a-fascinator1 img_0045-pigott-is-off

Miss Pigott would leave us after an hour when we weren’t looking. We made our way back downtown around 10:30am and found Beauty on the FCT north side under the platform. We then had Voyager on Widows Walk below railing on the north side and we would see her for most of the rest of our watch. After hanging out with her on Fitzhugh St. she flew off to the north then we went up on the Sister Cities garage to watch from there so we could see both Beauty and Voyager.

img_0048-beauty img_0059-voyager img_0064-im-cute-they-say-im-cuuuute img_0072-am-i-diva-material-or-what img_0073-later

Voyager went to FCT landing under the platform south side and right after we believe it was Dot.Cs (DC) who flew out and went east. Carol was down at City Hall at this time and we went down to join her as Dana was also there. Lisa came by for a few minutes as well.

img_0082-i-cannot-believe-what-time-it-is<Voyager>img_0097-voyager img_0103-beautyful<Beauty>img_0104-sleepy-head

Things would remain like this for 3 hours or so and in that time watchers that joined us were Linda (Braveheart),Bill and KrisG when Voyager finally spotted Beauty below her and started screaming ay=t which point Beauty flew off to the south and a few minutes later Voyager flew north at 3:05pm.

img_0114-i-see-you-down-there-mom Hey I see you down there mom img_0117-you-cant-hide-forever-from-me

We then heard whining and a falcon shot out from FCT to the north. Next we heard whining over at City Place where we believed DC dropped food off to Voyager and skidaddled to the northeast. Voyager started eating then stopped and went down to a lower roof on the back of City Place and got another chunk of food and started eating again. She flew over to FCT with it soon after and finished it off there.

img_0122-who-dat img_0148-nom-nom img_0150-winding-up-to-take-off img_0152-taking-my-food-and-going img_0160-2-legs-for-voyager

Voyager moved up in the tower just as we were getting ready to leave.

img_0170-walk-the-plank img_0171-lets-hop-up-there

All the watchers left so Ginny and I decided to go to High Falls to end our marathon watch. There were no falcons there but we had 4 explorers down in the gorge hiking to the island and back. We also had a cute little bat fly past us a couple times when Dan followed by Joyce and Larry all filtered onto the pedestrian bridge with us. Dan spotted the gorge Osprey on the concrete support north side of the bridge. He made an attempt at catching a fish but missed and went to the north side tree to let his wings drip dry a bit before heading over to a bigger tree on the northwest shore.

img_0172-gorge-explorers img_0179-im-so-pretty-oh-so-pretty img_0180-hang-down-those-wet-wings

That’s all she wrote-Ginny and I left at 6:45pm over 12 hours after we started this morning with smiles on our tired faces for we’d had a very fun watch! 🙂

Click on the links below to see more picks and videos from the day



3 Responses to “Fledge watch 8-18-13”

  1. kathy Says:

    Miss Voyager is sooo beautiful, just like her mama! Thank you for the close ups of her MAK. And great to see the lovely Miss Pigott as well!

  2. Kris G. Says:

    Great pics, Mak! It was great meeting Ginny for the first time and doing another watch with you. Voyager is beautiful, quite photogenic and seemed to like hanging out with us. 🙂

  3. MAK Says:

    Kathy they are all so beautiful! And yes it’s always good to see Miss Pigott!

    Kris, it was good seeing you and Bill again. All 3 of our juvies are photogenic when you can find them! lol 🙂

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