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Eyes to the Skies

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Falcon Watch Weekend – Beauty, DC & Pigott Seen; No Juvies – 8/23-25/13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Here are some pics from the past 3 days.  I saw all three adult Rochester Falcons, but no juvies.  I keep hoping for one last visit before they take off, but it’s looking more and more like they’ve gone on their way, started their life journey.  Farewell Baron, Rosetta & Voyager.  Fly Strong and Fly Free!

Be sure to click on any pics you would like to see larger.

Friday – August 23, 2013

Osprey in the Falcon Sucking Tree

Osprey in the Falcon Sucking Tree in the Gorge 8-23-13Osprey in the Falcon Sucking Tree in the Gorge 8-23-13*





Great Blue Heron in a tree on north side of pedestrian bridge.

Great Blue Heron in Tree in Gorge 8-23-13*





The Osprey dove from the falcon sucking tree into the river.  It seemed like the Osprey was under water for so long.  Finally she came up out of the water with a good size fish.  Water sprayed off of the Osprey as she launched herself into the air.  She flew to the bottom of the gorge below the observation deck.  There she moved around quite a bit before setting on a spot to enjoy her dinner.  A Ring-billed Gull (juvie) decided to try to share, but the Osprey wasn’t in the mood.  In some of this series of pics, you can see the young gull on the ground in front of the Osprey.  Brave gull!

Osprey with Fish Below Observation Deck 8-23-13Osprey with Fish Below Observation Deck 8-23-13Osprey with Fish Below Observation Deck 8-23-13*





Osprey with Fish and Gull Below Observation Deck 8-23-13Osprey with Fish and Gull Below Observation Deck 8-23-13*





Kathy O, Dan and I ended our Watch and I drove around the downtown area one more time.  It was getting dark, but I was able to see Beauty on the south side of the Xerox Tower on the 5th column in from the SE corner. Dan reported seeing her there Thursday evening also.

Saturday, August 25, 2013

I spent a few hours downtown Saturday afternoon.  I did find both Beauty and Dot.ca.

Dot.ca on Top IBeam OCSR South Corner 8-24-13Beauty Hidden within the Framework of FCT 8-24-13*





Beauty on the TSB Below the NE Wing 8-24-13Beauty on Top IBeam OCSR South Side South Corner 8-24-13*





Sunday, August 25, 2013

Today I did a late morning/early afternoon Watch.  It was much warmer today and by noon, it was downright hot.  I was happy to see Pigott out at the BS location.  She was preening and snoozing while I was there.

Pigott at BS 8-25-13*





The leaves are already turning on some of the trees and they are starting to fall.

Leaves Starting to Turn 8-25-13*





I left Pigott to go downtown to see if Beauty and Dot.ca were there.  I found Dot.ca on the top IBeam of the OCSR on the north side.  In the shade, smart.

Dot.ca on North Side of OCSR Top IBeam North Corner 8-25-13*





The moon was high in the sky next to the Times Square Bldg.

Times Square and the Moon 8-25-13*





I wasn’t able to find Beauty, so I headed over to the pedestrian bridge at High Falls.  From there I was able to see that Beauty was again in the middle of the framework of the Frontier Communication Tower below the platform.  Both Falcons were out of the sun.  I spent the rest of my watch on the pedestrian bridge where I could see both Beauty and Dot.ca.

There was a lot of activity on the river below.   I watched Kingfisher dive into the water and come up with a very small fish.  It landed low on the island tree and started hitting the fish on the branch over and over again before eating it.

Kingfisher Fishing on the Genesee River 8-25-13*





I’ll leave you with a few more pictures I took during my Watch today from the pedestrian bridge.  Goodnight everyone!


A Very Big Fish 8-25-13A Cormorant Gathering 8-25-13Turkey Vulture and Jet 8-25-13*





Broken Bench 8-25-13High Falls Downtown Rochester 8-25-13

2 Responses to “Friday/Saturday/Sunday Falcon Watch Weekend – Beauty, DC & Pigott Seen; No Juvies – 8/23-25/13”

  1. carla Says:

    So sorry the juvies are gone.I love your report and the pictures,especially the one with the osprey ,the cormorants and the last pic of the gorge.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thank you so much for the nice comment Carla! 🙂

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