rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 3-1-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Hello everyone! After being sick for the past few days it felt good to get out and have myself a falcon watch. Sorry to say I didn’t see very much to report on, but it’s all good just the same.

I arrived downtown about 6:15am, after a quick look at Mercury and the OCSR building I took a quick tour of the east side near Xerox and HSBC with no sightings. Upon arriving back on the Broad St. bridge I spotted a falcon up under the northeast wing of the Times Square building through the chimney smoke of the Thomson Reuters building.


I couldn’t tell who it was until I drove down to Aqueduct St. for a clearer and closer view. It was the Beautyful one and I was smiling! She flew off and down to the nestbox. I drove back up to Broad St. and parked near falcon central for pics. It was at this time I spotted Mr. T under the southeast wing of the Times Square building. Beauty immediately flew up and landed on the main camera.


They only stayed for a short time and both suddenly flew off fast towards the Cornhill area where I lost sight of them behind buildings. I spent the remaining 45 minutes of my watch searching for them to no avail. LarryO and Cleo stopped by while I was on the Andrews St. bridge to get a report and off they went. I took a couple pics while on the Court St. bridge of the raging Genesee River and to get a view of the Broad St. bridge and surrounding area. Have a great day everyone! 🙂


2 Responses to “Morning watch 3-1-11”

  1. Barb Says:

    Glad you are feeling Better. Thanks for being our eyes.

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Barb I’m glad to be the eyes for those who can’t get out and watch these magnificent creatures! 🙂

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