rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 3-26-11/Buffalo watch 3-25-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Hello everyone! If you follow my tweets on the forum you’ll know what an active morning watch I had. Beauty and Archer are staying within view of the nestbox and each other. Flying from Times Square to the Wilder building to the OCSR building. I would guess this means an egg will be coming soon. Here’s the link to pics from this mornings watch.


Yesterday, watcher Joyce invited me to ride to work with her in Buffalo and take her car to watch falcons while she was working. She really had to twist my arm to take her up on this offer. So I drove to the other side of the city and found falcons at Central Terminal. What a watch I had making Joyce a bit envious that she missed out on the fun. Stella and Stash are the falcons there and they put on quite the show. LOTS of flying and hovering above and around the building. I saw a food exchange and my first ever talon tagging! There was plenty of echupping and perching at the nestbox. Here’s the link to my photo album of the day:   http://www.kodakgallery.com/gallery/sharing/shareRedirectSwitchBoard.jsp?token=929435991213%3A1321863641&sourceId=533754321803&cm_mmc=eMail-_-Share-_-Photos-_-Sharer

I also took several short videos of Stella and Stash. For those of you that have never seen Peregrine falcons live, I hope these give you a little feel for what it’s like. Pay real close attention and watch for them turning on the speed in their flights. It was very windy so the sound of it is loud. You can hear eechupping though. Enjoy!  🙂

Buffalo watch 3-25-11 Eechup mania.avi

Buffalo watch 3 25 11 video Short but sweet

Buffalo watch 3 25 11 Tag you’re it!

Buffalo watch 3 25 11 Windy Central Terminal

Buffalo watch 3 25 11 Just watch them!

2 Responses to “Morning watch 3-26-11/Buffalo watch 3-25-11”

  1. Maureen in MA Says:

    The “tag you’re it” video was perfect with “Firework” playing in the background while shooting across the sky! 😀 Thank you for you post!!

  2. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Maureen. I love to share my watches and bring the falcons into everyones home!

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