rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon watch 3-27-11

By Rochester Falcon watcher MAK

Any day started with Peregrine Falcons is a good day! I am fortunate to start almost everyday with our Rochester falcons and I’m more than happy to share with all. Todays morning watch was pretty much the same as it has been since Archer returned from migration. Beauty and Archer hanging out on the Wilder building,Times Square,OCSR and of course Mercury.  Throw in a visit to the jail tower and Kodak Office building today and you have a full watch!


I went home to have a cup of coffee and take a break and wait for Joyce to come pick me up for a watch together. First we went to Kodak Park where we found Lady Pefa on the railing of the ORB(orange railing building).

morning-watch-3-27-11-Lady Pefa

We took a ride out to Hamlin(I had to pay our taxman who lives out there) and stopped at the Hamlin Beach State Park to let the dogs run. On the way back we checked out Braddocks Bay and Charlotte. Too cold for migrating raptors but we did see many Turkey Vultures. We ended up at the Irondequoit Bay where we found one Bald Eagle flying near it’s nest being harrassed by what Joyce thought may have been a gull. Perhaps the eagle stole a fish from it. I don’t know why else it would be bothering a BIG eagle!

morning-watch-3-27-11-Casey and Abby

Joyce and I ended our “fun as usual” watch downtown with Beauty and Archer. We witnessed them sharing a meal and flying the friendly skies of Rochester! 🙂

Here’s a link for more pics of the day. Enjoy!


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