rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 3/28-30/11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

The last 3 mornings Beauty and Archer have basically gone through the same motions. Joining each other in the nestbox for some conversation and bowing. Beauty staying close to the nestbox and Times Square building. Archer flying out of the Times Square area for hunting purposes and returning with prey to share with or present to Beauty as proof that he is a good provider.

Beauty will be laying eggs anytime now and I look forward to witnessing yet some more Peregrine Falcon behavior for the first time in the field. I imagine there won’t be too much action out of  Beauty for she will be incubating and Archer will be keeping a close eye on their territory. Chasing crows and migrating hawks and such.  Until my next report I hope you like my pics from the last couple days! 🙂     Here’s the link:


2 Responses to “Morning watch 3/28-30/11”

  1. Barb Says:

    Thanks for all the watch reports MAK. I appreciate the time you spend telling us what you get to see. Its almost like being there.

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks for the nice comment Barb. I only wish everyone could come out and watch with me. 🙂

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