rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch – May 12, 2009 (Noon – 2 pm)

It was an absolutely gorgeous day for a Watch!

I first arrived at the Frontier parking lot a little before noon. No Watchers and no Falcons in view. I quickly ate my lunch and then drove around to see if I could spot Archer or Beauty.

On the east side of Midtown, I could hear a Peregrine whine coming from the ledge, but still couldn’t spot one. I drove back to the Frontier parking lot and spotted Lisa McK and Dan S.  I joined them on the lawn and was told that I just missed a changing of the guard. Archer was now sitting on top of the Columbus Bldg fire escape.

The only activity for me was at 12:40 pm when Archer flew off of the fire escape, flying off to the west. When I left around 2:00 pm, he had not returned.

It was wonderful seeing so many Watchers today, including Lisa McK, Dan S, Suzanne & Don from Ithaca, Barb M, Larry O and Shaky.

Yesterday during the Watch, we saw Archer chase off a couple of Turkey Vultures and a Kestrel.

Carol P.

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