Carol P. – Miserable Weather, No Fledges – 6/17/08 (4-6:30 p.m.)
My official Watch was a little slow. The weather was horrible. Rainy,
damp and miserable. Where is our warm weather? Feels more like Fall
out there.
Not much going on, beside flapping, kakking and smoke stacking. Yep,
Kaver brought in food and Mariah grabbed it, bringing it to the High
Falls Stack to prep for the lucky girls in the nest box. Zephyr and Diamante would have to wait for their turn to eat.
I was joined by Kelly at 5:00 p.m., Marcia soon after that and then
Liza O and Lisa McK arrived around 6:30 p.m. My Watch ended around 7:00 p.m.
All 7 were accounted for during my watch, M&K, Quest and Seneca in the nest box, Susan B on top of the nest box, Zephyr and Diamante in the playpen.
Could we have a fledge tomorrow? Stay tuned.
Carol P.
June 17th, 2008 at 9:03 PM
Thank you so much for reporting on your watch so the rest of us can get a better idea of what is happening with our precious falcons. I for one really appreciate it !!