Thursday Falcon Watch – 1/30/14 – Temperatures are Rising!
By Rochester Falcon Watch Carol P.
The temperatures are rising and the sunset is being pushed out farther everyday! During my watch today, the temperature was close to 30 degrees (F) and the sun set at 5:19 pm.
At 10:30 am, I spotted the KP Falcon on its favorite spot on the east stack. This is the 3rd morning in a row that I saw it there.
This afternoon, I could not find the KP Falcon, but I did find Pigott at home at the BS location. She was up on the northwest corner of the northwest extension. Preening and just enjoying the milder temperatures, just like her Watcher. lol
Downtown I found Beauty tucked up inside the OCSR elevator shaft on the south ledge. Same spot that I found her yesterday afternoon.
I looked at both locations for but I wasn’t able to find him.
On my way home, I checked along the lake but was unable to find Billy or any Snowy’s along the way.
Goodnight everyone!
January 31st, 2014 at 10:37 AM
Keeping low profiles yesterday!
January 31st, 2014 at 1:27 PM
They sure were Nora!