Second Fledge! 06/18/08 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
I left the office to spend a very nice weather lunch downtown and to see what the eyases were up to. When I arrived at Falcon HQ, I found Carol, Ben and Ben’s dad.
They brought me up to speed. Zephyr was hopping around the 20th floor K-O-D-A-K letters, Mariah was on the archway column and Kaver was by the rockets. Things stayed pretty quiet until a Turkey Vulture drifted towards the tower. The alarm kak’s went out, and the TV drifted away. Mariah was very attentive on the TV while it was in the vicinity.
Carol had to leave; June showed up; Lisa arrived; and Jim P dropped down to say hello. Shortly after that Mariah took off over the gorge. I did not see her again for the rest of the watch.
At some point, Zephyr took off from the letters and made a nice loop with some excellent flying and then executed a perfect landing on the rail of the southeast corner of the playpen. A picture-perfect landing. We were marveling at Zephyr’s aerobatic skill which looks quite good. It was certainly a much better landing than this morning’s landing on the slate roof.
Of course, later we caught sight of another peregrine in the air and as we focused our binoculars on it, the very distinctive tail markings of an eyas were visible. Too big to be Zephyr, we realized that we had a second fledge going on. She made some turns and headed for the letters, but the landing was poor. Off she went for more turns before eventually making it to the 19th floor ledge on the south side. There we watched for the rest of my time.
Quite a day so far!!
Larry O
June 18th, 2008 at 1:22 PM
Thanks Larry …
I knew that Zephyr was going to find the water slide ( the pitched kodak roof)
Wonder who the second flyer is?
Glad they made it back to the building ..
I was a bit worried with all of the change of landscape in the area!
June 18th, 2008 at 1:43 PM
So was the “she” Susan B. ? I just got to my destination and hurried to the room to hook up to the wi-fi and see what’s going on. No Susan B. in sight so I am guessing it was she.
June 18th, 2008 at 2:11 PM
Thanks for the info. I wish I could be there but I mapquested and it’s 500 miles….. a little too far….
So, is it Zephyr and Susan B that have fledged? Diamante is much smaller than Z-man so hopefully that makes it easier to confirm that th Z-man was our first fledge.
What say you?
June 18th, 2008 at 2:23 PM
So, if a male falcon is a tiercel, is there a corresponding term for a female falcon?
June 18th, 2008 at 3:22 PM
It’s absolutely great you are giving us live-reports of what’s happening outside the reach of the cams. 2 Fledges already, these kids are fast ones!
Zephyr or Z-men is a born flyer so I read, and I think so too it must be Susie who is the second one.
You’re doing a great job! Thank you so much and do enjoy, it’s so wonderful to see them fledge, I know from our own De Mortel fledglings.