rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Photos – Mariah and Archer (Saturday 6/27/09 FalconWatch)

From Rochester Falcon Watcher ~ Joyce

Here is a KGallery album with pictures of Mariah, Archer, and other urban wildlife taken on Saturday 6/27/09 (10:30 am – 8:30 pm)




5 Responses to “Photos – Mariah and Archer (Saturday 6/27/09 FalconWatch)”

  1. Erika Says:

    What amazing photos!! Thank you!

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Thank-you, Joyce. It isn’t exactly an update, but most wonderful to look at.

  3. Joyce Miller Says:

    Allison – According to Carol P… All is still very peaceful. Brian H did report seeing Archer on the High Falls Stack catwalk Thursday evening. It has been a while since we’ve seen a falcon there.

  4. Shaky Says:

    Dan Stiehler reports that Mariah was on the High Falls stack catwalk Wednesday evening (7/8).

  5. Debbie H. Says:

    Thank you Joyce! That was awesome!!

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