rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 7-14-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Hi all! Beauty was in the nestbox when I left for my watch today but while driving downtown she left. After checking the nestbox from the Broad St. bridge I spotted her over on the top arm of the Frontier Communications Tower.


The first hour of my watch was pretty busy following the Beautyful one. She soon flew off the FCT and I caught up with her at the nestbox next.


Beauty flew from there over to the OCSR building landing on the south corner of the top ibeam.


She didn’t stay there for long either flying off to the west behind the Thomson Reuters building and out of my view. I left to look for her and Donna reported to me that  Archer had visited the nestbox while I was gone. Figures! lol After searching for an hour with no luck I decided to check out the river. I was very happy to see that the Black-crowned Night Heron from last year has returned to our fair city.


It was at this point I decided to take a ride over to Kodak Park. I found Unity in the scrape laying down toward the back incubating her eggs.


It would seem that Archer and Beauty were playing games with me again for Donna let me know that they both went to the nestbox after I left. Those two are always messin’ around with old MAK ! teehee With that bit of news I headed back to the city.  Upon my return I found a falcon on the top arm of the FCT. At the time I thought it was Beauty but it turned out to be Archer. I parked on Plymouth Ave. across the street from the tower and spent about 20 minutes with him before he flew off heading in my direction.

morning-watch-7-14-11-025-archer morning-watch-7-14-11-026-archer-coming-at-me

Just before flying right over me he tucked his wings into stoop formation and zoomed across the area with such speed it made my head spin. As fast as I could turn around to watch the end of the stoop he was gone and out of  sight. Things happen so quickly in the falcon world that sometimes it’s hard to do anything but stand there with your mouth wide open in amazement!  Boy, what a GREAT way to end my watch! Enjoy your day everyone!! 🙂

Here’s the link to more picsfrom this mornings watch:


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