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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 7-16-11

By Rochester watcher MAK

This morning upon arriving on the Broad St. bridge I thought Eileen would be there  like yesterday but she wasn’t and with no falcons in sight I decided to run over to the east side to check. Turned out to be a good call cuz Beauty was up on the southeast corner of the HSBC building.

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She soon flew off and when I got to the bridge Ei was there. Beauty was in the nestbox vocalizing so we knew Archer couldn’t be far away. We went down to Aqueduct St. and found him on the fire escape ladder.

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5 minutes later he flew over to a ledge below the nestbox where he remained for about an hour preening in the warm morning sun.

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Beauty blasted out of the nestbox and Archer left his perch immediately after her. They returned less than a minute later and flew up to the nestbox. Soon after Archer flew out over the river around the back of OCSR and out of view. We missed Beauty flying out of the nestbox while watching Archer as is the luck of a falcon watcher but we found her over on one of her favorite perches under the platform of the FCT.

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Eileen and I watched the Beautyful one about half an hour before Joyce showed up to get Ei for their trip to Buffalo today. I am going to an airshow of a different kind so I can’t make the trip this time. The International Airshow at the Rochester International Airport featuring…the Blue Angels! I stayed with Beauty until she flew off the FCT heading in the general direction of the Times Square building.


I am going to include the links for a short video of Tory the Peregrine Falcon at Wild Wings eating a day old chick and my photo album from yesterday. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great day and keep your eyes to the sky! 🙂



2 Responses to “Morning watch 7-16-11”

  1. Barb C Says:

    Nothing has been written about the “other” falcon that nested at Kodak lately. Is she still around or did Beauty find out about Archer’s side trips and chase her away?

  2. MAK Says:

    Barb, Unity is actually incubating 2 eggs over at Kodak tho I personally don’t think they will hatch. Archer spends more time over there with her than with Beauty. Both females seem to be respecting the territory boundaries after a scrap on the Kodak Office tower a while back. 🙂

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