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Eyes to the Skies

Afternoon Falcon Watch Catch-up! 4/14/15 & 4/15/15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

I stopped downtown after work on Tuesday (4/14) and Wednesday (4/15).  Other watchers, including Kathy O, Larry O, Joyce and Brian H, have also been checking things out.  Here are my observations from Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday – 4/14/15 – 2:45 to 4:15 pm.

Just after I parked my car on the Broad St. Bridge, I was joined by Brian H, who had been watching from the side of the library.  A few minutes later, Dot.ca (DC) flew out of the nest box and over to the OCSR.  He landed on the top IBeam, close to the south corner.  We were notified by the cam watchers that Beauty was now in the nest box incubating the eggs.  Thanks to all that help out the watchers in the field, letting them know what’s happening up at the nest box!

<Insert picture of small falcon on OCSR top IBeam>  🙂

That was our only falcon activity during our watch.

Wednesday – 4/15/15 – 2:45 – 4:15 pm

When I left work, Dot.ca was on the eggs.  In the short time it took be to drive downtown and park on the Broad St Bridge, Dot.ca was over on the OCSR top Ibeam, close to the south corner.  Kathy O texted me to let me know that Beauty was now in the nest box and to ask if I had checked out the nest box on my new phone.  I haven’t gotten that far yet.  hahaha!

During my short afternoon watch, Dot.ca took off heading east.  A few minutes later, he returned to almost the same spot at the south corner.  That was the only falcon activity I witnessed.

<Insert picture of small falcon on OCSR top IBeam>  🙂

Now that Beauty and Dot.ca are into hard incubation of their 4 eggs, the watches should be peaceful and quiet.  That is unless another falcon or intruder passes by.  They will be very vigilant now, aggressively  “escorting” anything they deem to be a threat to their young out of their territory.

I love the peaceful and quiet watches and can’t wait for the appearance of small, white fluffy eyases in the nest box!

Enjoy the day everyone! – Carol P (4/16/15)

6 Responses to “Afternoon Falcon Watch Catch-up! 4/14/15 & 4/15/15”

  1. June Kogut Says:

    Thanks for the report..I know it is the “Quiet Time ” in the falcon watch, but can’t help worrying..Looking forward to the eyases, too!J.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks June! Love the quiet time. 🙂

  3. Margaret Says:

    Quiet time is good time! Four eggs will mean lots of running!

  4. Carol P. Says:

    Oh yes! Lots of running Margaret! Love it!! 🙂

  5. Jill Says:

    As we get ready in Kindergarten to study life cycles and incubate our chick & duck eggs, my students have been glued to the nest box cam! They check any free chance they get and love the updates! Thanks all!!

  6. Carol P. Says:

    A big hello to Jill’s kindergarten class! So happy to hear that you are all watching the Rochester falcons! ☺

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