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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Fledge Watch 7-9-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was gloomy and overcast with a temperature of 60 (F) 16 (C)

Well folks were it not for Seth and Beauty I would have been skunked this morning on my watch for they are the only Rochester Peregrine Falcons I saw. I started at the north end of Seneca Towers where I looked up and saw Seths’ back. It was still pretty dark out making it hard to decide whether it was an adult or juvie. I suspected an adult since I wasn’t seeing the signature light colored feathers on the tip of the tail.


I drove out to Seth Green Dr. to get a positive ID and that I did. There’s no mistaking the heart on the side of the face of Seth. Dot.ca has one too but I think his is a little smaller than Seths’.


I could hear Bith,the juvenile son of Billie and Seth  whining but he wasn’t in view on any part of the building that I could see-probably on the roof. I waited a while and when he didn’t show himself I left for downtown. I searched quite a long time before I found a falcon on the east side of the Genesee River. Beauty was in an old haunt of hers that she likes to hunt from-the southeast corner of HSBC. I hadn’t seen her there since last year.

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The Beautyful one flew off when I wasn’t looking and when I caught up with her she was on the top arm of the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT).  I left her to look for Dot.ca and the kids but I never did find them. As I was out searching I came across Beauty near the southeast corner of Crossroads and she was eating.

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Beauty kept getting lower and lower on the roof until I could no longer see her so I thought I’d try the Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge at High Falls since the juvies had been seen there yesterday but I had no luck in finding them. Perhaps they took a day trip with dad. I saw a Great Blue Heron that seemed like it was gesturing “which way did they go?” I ended my watch at 8am.


Anyway, some days luck is on your side and some days it’s not. I was grateful to see Beauty and she always makes me smile! 🙂

Click on the links to see today’s videos including one of the High Falls





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