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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Fledge Watch 7-15-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Big change in the weather this morning-a very light misty rain fell for the first part, overcast and chilly with a temperature of 58 (F) 14 (C) and a haze was hovering above downtown

img_0002-pretty-hazy-to-the-south-before-sun-up<Click it

My watch began on the 16th floor west balcony at Seneca Towers where new watcher Patty joined me at 5:30am. We could see one juvie on the bridge ledge south side. 2 falcons flew near bridge as someone was vocalizing -they went behind the north end of the building out of view. Soon after an adult ( I believe it was Billie) and a juvie appeared on the bridge ledge. The adult flew off and returned from above tree tops on the west side of the gorge and landed next to the juvie with food. She left it for him and flew off .


The adult flew away to the east and the juvie remained -we left for downtown around 6:30am. We didn’t have much luck finding a falcon until checking out the east side of the river. On the south side of Xerox one column from the southwest corner was Dot.ca (DC). He disappeared as we were checking other buildings for falcons.


We ended up on the Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge after an unsuccessful search of downtown. It was Patty’s first time on the bridge and she was thrilled when I pointed out the Falcon sucking tree (FST) with Cadence perched on a branch. there was a robin buzzing Cadence who didn’t act too bothered by it.

img_0007-cadence cadence-and-a-friend

It was cold and breezy on the bridge and we weren’t dressed warm enough so we didn’t stay long. Checking downtown one more time before calling it a watch at 9am as we both had things to do. So we saw one juvie and one adult at both Seneca Towers and downtown. It’s always a pleasure to share  a watch with Patty-we do a lot of smiling! 🙂

Click on the links below to see a super short snippet video and one of Cadence and her friend



4 Responses to “Morning Fledge Watch 7-15-15”

  1. Patricia Rose Says:

    Thanks for letting me tag along, MAK, it was fun! It was great to see Cadence on that tree! Even though I thought a pigeon was a falcon on top of Crossroads! LOL Us newbies get fooled easy! 😀

  2. MAK Says:

    Yeah Cadence on the tree was the highlight for me. Us veterans get fooled too!!! 🙂

  3. June Kogut Says:

    There was more activity from the nervous robin than from any of the falcons today,BUT that was fun to watch, too! Thanks MAK! (Smiles!) J.

  4. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome June! It’s always fun to watch falcons getting buzzed from a smaller bird-great action without fear of them being injured. 🙂

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