rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Seneca Towers-Friday,Saturday,Sunday watch 8-16-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a clear morning as the sun came up with a temperature of 66(F) 19(C)

Cam watcher and very good friend Donna, and her daughter Kara, came in from New Jersey Friday night for a weekend visit. I met them out in the visitor parking on Seth Green Dr. and as we were walking to the building a juvie flew in welcoming them and went down the west side of the roof out of view. We’ve been busy since they arrived and so I didn’t have a report written yesterday. Any falcon watching we’ve done has been here at Seneca Towers on both the 16th and 22nd(top) floor west and east balconies at dusk and dawn.

Friday night as we were on the east side 22nd floor a juvie and an adult suddenly appeared from above the roof to our right and flew east. Then a second later the other juvie flew out from right above us-we could have practically touched it if we had reached up. It flew around and appeared a couple times whining practically the whole time. Saturday morning there was a juvie on the south side bridge ledge for maybe a minute, then it was gone. No other sightings on Saturday as we were busy doing this and that.

This morning (Sunday) just as the sun was coming up Donna heard juvies and then saw them fly over the river then up over the building possibly landing out of view. 10 minutes later a juvie was flying above building squawking loudly, flying north to south a couple times then it went silent with no more sightings. Fast forward an hour on my 16th floor west side balcony-we heard a juvie down below us in Seth Green Park, then saw 2 falcons fly just above the surface of the river to the west side of the gorge shoreline and land in a half dead tree. Only one juvie was visible

img_0001-juvie-in-tree-on-west-side-river-bank-across-from-seneca-towers img_0003-juvie

A minute later they both flew out crossing the river and landed in a tree on the west side right below us but not in view. We believe one adult and one juvie at this point. Less than a half hour later we spotted 3 falcons flying over the river close to the shore on the west side of the gorge. 2 of them landed in the trees on the west side, like before we couldn’t see them. The other one, (a juvie) flew out over the river after a gull that was passing thru. It tagged it, driving the gull to land in the river then made a couple passes, tagging it again while it was in the river.


The juvie then flew back to the east side and joined the others in the trees below us. About 20 minutes later one juvie and one adult were seen flying up and down the river close to the west side going in and out of view between the trees and landing in the trees. That was it, there was no more activity witnessed as I believe they settled in for a rest period. We hope to get downtown this evening to check out those falcons. We are doing a lot of smiling! 🙂

Below is the link for a very short snippet video


6 Responses to “Seneca Towers-Friday,Saturday,Sunday watch 8-16-15”

  1. Bobbie Ireland Says:

    Sure do wish I could have shared all the fun, MAK, Donna and Bean!!!

  2. MAK Says:

    We wish you could too Miss Bobbie!!! 🙂

  3. Margaret Says:

    Glorious pictures and report, Mak. How nice the ST Falcons greeted Donna!
    Sounds like a good time!

  4. MAK Says:

    Having a great time Margaret! Thanks!! 🙂

  5. Patricia Rose Says:

    Glad you & Donna got to see some birds! 🙂

  6. MAK Says:

    Me too Patty! They seem to be hanging out here at Seneca Towers down in the trees for the most part the last couple days. 🙂

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