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Eyes to the Skies

Mariah at the Mall and St. Ann’s – 10/27/09 (3:15 – 4:20 pm)

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

After hearing from Jim P, Dana and Dan that Mariah was at the Medley Mall this afternoon, I decided to head over there after work and this is what I saw.


or tinyurl


It’s so nice seeing Mariah again.  🙂

8 Responses to “Mariah at the Mall and St. Ann’s – 10/27/09 (3:15 – 4:20 pm)”

  1. kathy Says:

    Thank you Carol, such a relief to see and hear that she has found her own little corner of Rochester where she is safe.

  2. Maureen in MA Says:

    It IS so nice to see Mariah again! 😀 Even it is only thru your eyes… thank you!!!

  3. Beth Says:

    You guys are terrific. Thank you all so much for finding her. I wonder if she will spend the winter here. She looks fabulous. I can rest now knowing for certain that she is safe and free.

  4. Ruth G Says:

    Carol – be careful driving! It’s great that you followed her to St. Ann’s, but be careful!! Great pics!

  5. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I second that, Ruth G. We love the reports and want them to continue unabated.

  6. Carol P. Says:

    Mariah continues to hang out at the Medley Mall and St. Ann’s. 🙂

  7. Melissa in MA Says:

    Thanks for letting us know Carol P.!

  8. chrissy Says:

    She looks fabulous! Just as regal as ever.

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