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Eyes to the Skies

Our (2nd) “quest” for Quest – 11/14 & 11/15/09

From Rochester Falcon Watcher, Carol P.

This isn’t actually a Rochester Falcon Watch, but it is a search for one of Mariah and Kaver’s young.  Actually our second “quest” for the very elusive Quest.

Watchers Shaky, Carrie, Kathy O, Joyce and Carol P. first drove up to Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, where Quest had spent most of the summer months.  We missed her by less than a day.  She moved east along Lake Ontario, where she now spends most of her time at the Lennox Power Plant in Bath, Ontario, Canada.

Kathy O, Joyce and Carol P decided to make another attempt to find Quest.  Again, we missed her by a day.  I’m grateful that we have Lennoxman to help keep an eye out for her.  We do plan on “questing” again.  🙂

Here is my KGallery of pictures that I took of “Our Quest for Quest”.  No sign on needed.


7 Responses to “Our (2nd) “quest” for Quest – 11/14 & 11/15/09”

  1. Maureen in MA Says:

    What an exciting adventure! Thank you for sharing it with us in your pictures!! I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get to see Quest while there but she’s still close enough that you can go back again some day. And now we all have an idea of where she’s hanging out. Very exciting! But what kind of steroids were those roadside crows on?!! 😀

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I don’t blame Joyce for wanting that picture, I would, too, in her place.
    I loved the crows! Is Lennox a nuclear plant by any chance? 😉

  3. chrissy Says:

    Canada is so vast and open compared to Cape Cod and Nantucket it’s no wonder she’s not easy to find. Thanks for sharing your latest Quest quest with us. You’re all beginning to remind me of those tornado chasers.

    Your comments say the fence is four feet tall and the crows are taller than the fence?!!

  4. Carol P. Says:

    Well, I don’t mind chasing Quest, but I’m not quite sure about chasing a Twister! Yikes!!! Those folks are nuts. 🙂

    Yep, the Gigantic Field Crows were quite large. 😉

    I have no idea why they are there, but we had to stop to take some pictures. Very cool.

  5. Carol P. Says:

    Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it Snow! As you can see by checking out the main view on the nest box, Rochester received their first measurable snow this morning. It was only a trace, but enough to settle on the grass and roads. It’s unusual for us to not have snow by now.

  6. Debbe L Says:

    WOW – I’m sure that was a fun trip even if you didn’t see our Quest. The pictures were beautiful and the crows scared me! I have never seen such huge ones and their eyes are different too! Nature is amazing! Thank you all for sharing with us!

  7. Carol P. Says:

    @ Debbe L – Not to worry. The Crows weren’t real. 🙂 Someone had them set-up in their field. Maybe a giant Crow makes a great Scarecrow. lol

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