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Archive for the ‘Quest’s Travels’ Category

Toronto falcon watch 7-27-11

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Joyce and I went to Canada on a fledge watch back in June and she had an accident with her vehicle at the Sunlife nest site. They finally finished the repairs on it and she asked if I would go back to Toronto with her to pick it up and drive her other car home. I thought about it for a whole split second and said “yes” let’s go! lol So we drove up there yesterday going directly to Harlequin Enterprises headquarters to see Quest,Kendal and Harlie! We arrived just before 2:00pm and upon exited the car and taking a few steps in the parking lot I noticed a bump over yonder on the Thales building. I yelled to Joyce that we had Harlie right off the bing-bang and so the clicking of our cameras began!

falcon-watch7-27-11-1st-sight-of-harlie falcon-watch7-27-11-028-taken-from-harlequin-parking-lot

Shortly thereafter Bruce Massey showed up to join us on the watch and so did Quest. She landed on the Thales building on the opposite side of where Harlie was.perched.

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Joyce went into the Harlequin building to visit with our good friends while Bruce and stayed outside to enjoy FALCONS! We eventually joined her as she was chatting with Donna Hayes and her secretary Patricia Cakes. After a few minutes of schmoozing with them they had to get back to work and so did we! We witnessed first hand what Mark Nash was saying about Quest being a nag with Quest for every time he got near she would start vocalizing and not stop ’til he was out of sight. And to make things worse for the poor guy Harlie has  learned well from her mom and does the same thing! No wonder he makes himself so scarce!  Anyway we saw some good flying by all 3 plus a food exchange between Quest and Harlie. Harlie likes to eat and beg for food ALOT! She has no doubt been spoiled as an only child.

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The repair shop was open until 5:00pm and so at 4:oopm we decided we had better go before they closed and Joyce had to go even longer without it! We were told it would only take 15 minutes to get there…HA, the 401 freeway was jammed and it took an hour but we made it just in the nick of time.  Upon seeing her shiny new Toyota Rav4 Joycie gave it a kiss and a pat and turned to me with a big old smile. So she jumped in hers and I jumped in mine(also a Rav 4) and we headed back to Harlequin taking the side streets instead. Arriving a bit after 6:00pm we resumed our joyful watch. All 3 falcons came in close for some fine photos. Quest on the east end of the Harlequin building with Harlie on the west end eating. Joyce walked

up to the top level of the parking garage at the north end of the Harlequin parking lot while I stayed put having some worn out arthritic knees.

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Quest flew off and by Harlie who followed right behind jabbering the whole time and landed on the roof of a 1 story building across the street. They were in on the roof where I couldn’t see them but Joyce had a birds eye view from the top of the ramp garage. She said they were drinking up there. They both flew out and Kendal showed up on the far west corner of the Harlequin building to finish up what Harlie had left behind.

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Our little falcon family flew off out of sight soon after that and with an hour of daylight left Joycie and I headed out to the Yellow Pages nest site to see what we could find there. Upon our arrival we spotted a falcon or two up top. We saw a little bit of flying around the top of the building with some vocalizing and a half speed stoop by a juvie to end the day. We got her vehicle home safe and sound and then she dropped me off at my house at 1:00am a very tired but satisfied falcon watcher. I am including he link for my photo album of the day. Despite overcast skies not making it the ideal conditions for picture taking I believe you will enjoy these pics. Thank you Joyce for yet another chance to have a fabulous international falcon watch!  🙂


Our (2nd) “quest” for Quest – 11/14 & 11/15/09

Saturday, November 28th, 2009

From Rochester Falcon Watcher, Carol P.

This isn’t actually a Rochester Falcon Watch, but it is a search for one of Mariah and Kaver’s young.  Actually our second “quest” for the very elusive Quest.

Watchers Shaky, Carrie, Kathy O, Joyce and Carol P. first drove up to Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, where Quest had spent most of the summer months.  We missed her by less than a day.  She moved east along Lake Ontario, where she now spends most of her time at the Lennox Power Plant in Bath, Ontario, Canada.

Kathy O, Joyce and Carol P decided to make another attempt to find Quest.  Again, we missed her by a day.  I’m grateful that we have Lennoxman to help keep an eye out for her.  We do plan on “questing” again.  🙂

Here is my KGallery of pictures that I took of “Our Quest for Quest”.  No sign on needed.


Quest’s July Journey Has Moved!

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

We’ve decided to move the updates on Quest’s travels over to Imprints! We apologize for any confusion this may cause.

Check out Quest’s travels in July here.


Quest’s Journey Begins!

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

Now that sightings of the fledglings are getting to be few and far between, we thought we’d try to get some more use out of the FledgeWatch Blog.  And what better use could we put it to than keeping track of Quest’s travels?  So we’ve decided that the FledgeWatch Blog will be the place where we’ll update you on her movements.

We’re happy to report that Quest’s transmitter is sending good data on it’s pre-programmed schedule.  Quest hasn’t been seen in the Rochester area in more than a week.  So we were quite surprised to receive some data points that placed her well north of Rochester.  In fact, our most recent locations for her include the state of Maine and most recently, just over the border in Quebec, Canada!

This is certainly great news!  To have traveled that far, Quest is most certainly hunting on her own, so she seems to be off to a good start!  Of course, as we’ve often mentioned, life for a first year Peregrine is hard, so these early successes aren’t necessarily an indication of her long term success.  But the early news is promising.

We hope to begin publishing maps of her travels very soon.  We’re working on automating the data feeds to cut down on the amount of manual analysis that needs to be done with each set of received data.  So keep watching these pages for more news!


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