Well, as you saw from my tweet, we saw Mariah at St Ann’s today. First I checked downtown. I scoured the area and had no luck finding a falcon. Although we’ve had recent sightings of a falcon assumed to be Beauty over the past few days. Jim P had a falcon on the communication tower on Thursday. Brian H had one on the communication tower Friday afternoon, he thought Beauty. Joyce had Beauty on old Changing Scene’s this afternoon. I have to start wondering if MAYBE Archer has left the area.
OK, time to head for St Ann’s and Medley Mall. I was sitting on the north side of the square St. Ann’s when the pigeons took off. I watched them swerve here and there and then, MARIAH! WooHoo! The Queen was in full chase mode. She chased a few of them over the woods where I lost sight of them, heading towards the Medley Center.
I waited for awhile, but she didn’t return. So, I decided to head over to the mall. She wasn’t there, but I did spot fellow Watcher Dan S. He was just leaving, so I followed him back to St Ann’s. We found Mariah on an antenna at the top of the circular St Ann’s (which by the way is not coming down for a couple of years). She stooped to the south and flew back and forth over Rochester General Hospital. We lost sight of her, so we weren’t sure if her hunt was successful.
Did I mention it was raining the whole time? and very, very windy. Lots of leaves blowing everywhere.
Kathy O joined us and we went back over to the mall. After about a 1/2 hour, Dan said his goodbyes and Kathy and I returned to St. Ann’s, back on the north side.
Mariah was back. She was imitating a kite so well, just floating above the square St. Ann’s bldg. How does she do that!!! It’s as if she isn’t moving a muscle, just hanging on the wind. The pigeons weren’t happy and all took flight. Mariah didn’t seem interested, so we can only assume that she had been successfull on her earlier hunt.
She gracefully floated off towards the north. Kathy and I waited for her to return, but she didn’t.