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Eyes to the Skies

Archive for August, 2020

Wednesday Morning Falcon Watch (8:30 – 10:30 am) – 8/19/20

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020
Beauty on Mercury

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Larry O & Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty, Dot.ca and a Falcon Flyover

Morning Weather: Cool, Blue sky, sunshine and Fluffy White Clouds

During the morning watch, Beauty was in serious hunt mode, even though she had a pretty big crop. She was chasing pigeons all over, especially behind the Times Square Bldg and over the Federal Bldgs. She hung out a lot on the Mercury Statue. Dot.ca was always nearby, first on OCSR and then over on the Powers Bldg.

While I had both of them in view, a 3rd falcon flew over, heading towards Xerox. It was smaller, the size of a male, but I wasn’t able to get a picture to verify if it was adult or juvie. I did search for the 3rd falcon, but was unable to find it.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty vs. Mercury
See her on top?

On your mark, get set, go! My bet is on Beauty!

Beauty on Mercury’s Money Bag
Beauty Takes Off From Mercury
Beauty Takes Off From Mercury
Beauty Takes Off From Mercury
Beauty Takes Off From Mercury
Beauty Takes Off From Mercury
Dot.ca Hanging Out at the Powers Nest Box
A Beautiful Morning in Rochester, NY
From the Andrews St Bridge

Sunday Morning Falcon Watch (10:40 am – 12:30 pm) – 8/16/20

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watcher: Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty, Dot.ca and I believe Billie at ST

Weather: Rain earlier. Warm with dark clouds moving in.

I started my watch a lot later than normal, due to the morning rain. When it stopped, I made my way downtown.

Both Beauty and Dot.ca were on the Frontier Communication Tower. They remained there during my morning watch.

On my way home, I saw an adult falcon on Seneca Towers west side railing. Based on size, I believe it was Billie.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty on FCT
Dot.ca on FCT
Beauty on FCT
Beauty and Dot.ca on the FCT Disc
Nice Size Comparison
Beauty and Dot.ca on FCT
Dot.ca on FCT
He loves to Hide!
Billie (I Believe) at ST
Lots of pigeons at FCT.
Kodak in the background.
Dark Clouds to the North

Saturday Morning Falcon Watch (8:00 – 11:30 am) – 8/15/20

Saturday, August 15th, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana, Dan (yes, Dan!) and Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty and Dot.ca

Weather: Warm and Breezy with Blue Sky and Sunshine

When I arrived downtown, Beauty was up on the base of Mercury eating her Breakfast (pigeon). After awhile, Dot.ca flew in and landed on Mercury’s foot. They chatted while Beauty finished her meal. Dot.ca patiently waited until she was done and then flew down to take the leftovers. He flew off to the northwest and Beauty soon joined him. Dana and I found Beauty on the Frontier Communication Tower. We were not able to find Dot.ca.

Other birds of interest during the morning watch; a Green Heron, a couple of Osprey flying low and hunting over the river and a mystery (to me) wading bird with yellow legs. This bird was fairly large, about 1/3 the size of a Ring-billed Gull. Any ideas?

Last and certainly not least, in fact, the best! Dan joined Dana and I on the Court St Bridge. It was wonderful seeing him. 🙂

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty on the Base of Mercury with Breakfast
Beauty on the Base of Mercury with Breakfast
Beauty on the Base of Mercury with Breakfast
Beauty on the Base of Mercury with Breakfast
Beauty on the Base of Mercury with Breakfast
Beauty and Dot.ca on Mercury
Beauty and Dot.ca on Mercury
Dot.ca on Mercury
Dot.ca on Mercury
Dot.ca on Mercury
Beauty on Base of Mercury
Beauty on Frontier Communication Tower
Rochester Falcon Watcher Dan
Hi Dan!!!
Great Blue Heron
Green Heron
Mystery Wading Bird
Mystery Wading Bird
Mystery Wading Bird
Mystery Wading Bird
Osprey Hunting Over the River

Wednesday Morning Falcon Watch (8:00 – 9:45 am) – 8/12/20

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty and Dot.ca; Also 1 adult on Kodak Park Research Lab Antenna – Billie or Beau?

Weather: Warm, sunny and blue sky.

Not much to report. Found both Beauty and Dot.ca on the Frontier Communication Tower. Lots of ee-chupping from Beauty. She was chatting with Dot.ca. lol On my way downtown, I spotted an adult on the Kodak Park Research Lab Antenna. Could not ID. Probably Billie or Beau from ST.

No juvies seen or heard during my watch.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Billie or Beau? on KP Res Lab Antenna
Billie or Beau? on KP Res Lab Antenna
Beauty on Frontier Communication Tower
The 2 Frontier Communication Towers
Beauty on Frontier Communication Tower
Dot.ca on FCT
Dot.ca on FCT
Beauty on Frontier Communication Tower
Chatting with Dot.ca
Beauty & Dot.ca on FCT
Beauty Takes Off From FCT
Beauty Returns to FCT
Pretty Flowers at City Hall
Crows Just Like to Have Fun
on Weather Vane at Charlotte

Sunday Morning Falcon/Heron Watch (6:30 – 10:30 am) – 8/9/20

Sunday, August 9th, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana and Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty & Dot.ca, Plus a Trifecta of Herons!

Weather: Cool enough for a jacket. Breezy, Sunny and mix of blue sky & clouds.

Dana and I decided to get downtown early to check out the herons on the river. We were able to see three different herons this morning; Great Blue Heron, Green Heron and Black-crowned Night Herons (adult & juvie). I’ll post some pictures of the herons at the end of my report, per a request from my good friend Larry O. 🙂

During our watch, we had both Beauty and Dot.ca. Beauty was in hunt mode. While we were there, she was not successful.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty on the Base of Mercury
Beauty on Widows Walk
Beauty on WW
Dot.ca on OCSR
Beauty on Irving Place (Old City Hall)
Beauty on Irving Place (Old City Hall)
Beauty on Irving Place (Old City Hall)
Beauty on Irving Place (Old City Hall)
Beauty on Irving Place (Old City Hall)
Black-crowned Night Heron (Adult)
Black-crowned Night Heron (Adult)
Black-crowned Night Heron (Juvie)
Black-crowned Night Heron (Juvie)
Green Heron
Green Heron
Great Blue Heron
Moon Over the Wings on the Times Square Bldg
Pretty Flowers

Saturday Morning Falcon Watch (8:00 – 11:00 am) – 8/8/20

Saturday, August 8th, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana and Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty, Dot.ca and Juvie Flyover

Weather: Absolutely perfect weather. Warm, with a nice breeze; Blue Sky, Clouds & Sun.

Not too much activity this morning. Before I arrived downtown, Dana had already tweeted that Beauty was on the base of Mercury. She was still there when I parked on Aqueduct St (aka “the hole”). Beauty remained there for the majority of my morning watch.

While I was watching Beauty, I saw a juvie falcon fly overhead. It did lazy circles over the Blue Cross Arena (War Memorial), heading south. There was no vocalization by either Beauty or the juvie. Beauty did watch as the juvie passed over. Was this one of our juvies, or one that was wandering through?

After awhile, Beauty took off and landed on the north railing of Widows Walk. I met Dana there and she told me she had seen the juvie when it passed over Cross Rds.

Shaky texted that there was a falcon over on the Frontier Communication Tower. I stayed with Beauty, while Dana went over to check out FCT. It was Dot.ca.

Beauty took off, heading north, joining Dot.ca on FCT. This is where we left them when we ended our morning watch.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty on Base of Mercury
Beauty on Widows Walk Watching the Pigeons Below
The Pigeons Watching Beauty Above
Beauty Watching a Pigeon Flyby
Beauty and the Pigeons on Widows Walk
Beauty Taking Off From WW
Dot.ca on the Frontier Communication Tower
Beauty and Dot.ca on the Frontier Communication Tower

Now for pictures of the juvie Peregrine Falcon Fly Over. There is no way to ID this juvie. Sadly.

Juvie Fly Over. I zoomed in and lightened the picture.
Juvie Peregrine Falcon Fly Over
Juvie Peregrine Falcon Fly Over
Moon Over the Times Square Bldg Nest Box
Sometimes You Just Have to Post a Picture of a Pretty Pigeon 🙂

Wednesday Morning Falcon Watch (7:30 – 9:00 am) – 8/5/20

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watcher: Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty and Dot.ca

Weather: Very cool. Jacket Weather! Blue Sky and Sunny.

After a couple days off, I decided to do a quick falcon watch. Hoping to find a juvie, but not seeing one for the hour and a half that I was downtown.

But, I did see Beauty and Dot.ca from the Court St Bridge. Dot.ca was on the south side of OCSR and Beauty was almost done eating her breakfast on the west side (river side) of the Rundel Library.

Beauty had a very large crop and had almost completed her breakfast (pigeon). When she was finished, Dot.ca flew over and took the leftovers. Beauty then took off and flew over the river on the north side of the Broad St Bridge.

I drove over to the Andrews St Bridge and found both Beauty and Dot.ca. Beauty was on the north side of OCSR and Dot.ca was on the west side of the Riverside Hotel, on a top window ledge.

Dot.ca quickly finished the leftovers and flew over to the south side of OCSR. I ended my morning falcon watch with both Beauty and Dot.ca settled on OCSR.

On the way home, I drove by Seneca Towers. No luck seeing any falcons there.

Here are some pictures from my morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty on the Rundel Library
Beauty on the Rundel Library
Beauty on the Rundel Library
Beauty on the Rundel Library
Beauty on the Rundel Library
Dot.ca on OCSR
Patiently Waiting for Beauty to Finish Eating
Beauty on the Rundel Library
Beauty on the Rundel Library
Beauty on the Rundel Library
Beauty Flying Over the River
Lots of Missing Feathers Due to her Molt
Dot.ca on Riverside
Beauty on OCSR
Me Too Beauty!!!

Sunday Morning Falcon Watch (6:30 – 10:30 am) – 8/2/20

Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana, Larry O & Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty & Dot.ca; Billie & Beau

Weather: Warm and muggy, with a bit of light rain on and off.

Again, there were no juvies found this morning. We did have 4 adults hanging out, Beauty and Dot.ca on the north side of OCSR and we also saw Billie and Beau on the Vets Bridge near Seneca Towers. All the adults were relaxing.

This is always a sad time of the year for the falcon watchers. It’s been so much fun keeping track of our juvies this year. Without bands, we’ll never know how they do in the future. I’ll miss seeing Roc, Geraki & Hope. They have been a joy to watch. Stay safe little ones and safe travels.

It’s time for me to take a break, so I won’t be going out every morning. When I do go out, I’ll report any falcon sightings.

Here are some pictures from my morning watch. Enjoy!

Beauty on the RG&E Bldg
Beauty on RG&E
Dot.ca & Beauty on OCSR
Dot.ca on OCSR
Beauty on OCSR
Billie on Vets Bridge Near Seneca Towers
We were able to make out her green/black band, but couldn’t verify the #’s.
Billie on Vets Bridge
Beau (unbanded) on Vets Bridge
Unbanded Beau Hunting from Kodak Research Labs Antenna
Osprey Hunting Over the River
South Side of CSB
Green Heron Flyby
Pretty Spider on the ASB
Must be Hard to Work Upside Down
My Morning Buddy Zeke!

Saturday Morning Falcon Watch (6:30 – 9:30 am) – 8/1/20

Saturday, August 1st, 2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana, Larry O & Carol P.

Morning Falcons: Beauty & Dot.ca

Weather: Chilly (60’s), jacket weather. Going up to 80 degrees later today.

Not much to report today. Quickly found both Beauty and Dot.ca on OCSR. Beauty was on the north side, top Ibeam, near the west corner. Dot.ca was on the 3rd Ibeam down, on the railing next to the elevator shaft. They never moved from these locations during the watch. No juvies seen or heard.

The majority of the watch was spent traveling around downtown Rochester. Lots of activity this morning. The Court St Bridge was closed for river clean up.

Dana and I spent some time in the park next to the convention center. From there we had a great view of most of the falcon spots. We did see a Black-crowned Night Heron. Larry and Zeke checked out the pedestrian bridge (all quiet there). I love taking pictures of the old plaques that describe Rochester’s history, so I included on in this report.

Here are some pictures from the morning watch. Enjoy!

Dot.ca on OCSR (From North Side, ASB)
Dot.ca on OCSR (From the South Side, the Hole)
Beauty on OCSR (North Side)
River Clean Up on the Court St Bridge (From Broad St Bridge)
Work Being Done on the Rundel Library Terrace
Old Rochester History Plaque on the Wall
On the Street That Runs from OCSR to Thomson Reuters
Location of Historical Plaque
My Favorite Falcon Mural

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