Fledge watch 7-30-12
Tuesday, July 31st, 2012By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
At the corner of Main St. and Exchange Blvd. by Tim Hortons as I looked up at Times Square(TSB) I spotted Orion on the north end of the wall. What a great way to start a fledge watch! The only problem is that he didn’t fledge today but I surely enjoyed sharing space with him and his fantastic parents.
First Dot.Ca(DC) made a small food drop for Orion before a minute went by then flew up under the southeast wing. Then Beauty came in and fed Orion as dad went over to OCSR . As Beauty finished up the leftovers Moon came by and asked if I was MAK. She is a co-worker of Patsy at the Thomson Reuters building.
When Beauty was done she too went to OCSR. DebbieH stopped on her way to work and things remained like this for quite a while. CarolP joined the watch followed by KathyO who was on the way to a seminar at the Rochester Plaza Hotel. KrisG and her hubby Bill came after this time . We witnessed more of the same scenes as yesterday with the Beautyful one and DC taking turns on the various building spots keeping an eye on their young tiercel Orion. And again our little singer had his mouth open a lot of the time exercising his singing voice! lol
Brian,DebbieH and her co-worker Marianne joined our fledge watch. And later on SusanC and Aaron also came by. We had a visitor that may or may not have been Pigott. Beauty and DC took off at the same time flying east,next Brian and I saw 2 pefas over the river Brian thinking they looked like the same size so could have been Pigott and Beauty. We lost them behind the Thomson Reuters building as the one that was trailing looked to me like it started to dive bomb the other before vanishing. Next, Beauty(I mistakenly reported it as DC) came in and landed on the north end of the wall and made her way to the deck where we were told she had Orion laying at her feet in a submissive posture and he was quiet immediately. I feel she was protecting him by stopping him from bringing attention to himself with Pigott or a rogue falcon out there somewhere. Anyway, she went under the southeast wing and later DC returned to land under the northeast wing. Bookend guards for our precious Orion!
There was a mistake in identity later on that occurred that I think SusanC should tell in her report. CarolP didn’t tell in her report but it involved her too. Funny stuff!
I’m sorry this isn’t as detailed a report as it could be but the hour is late and another day of fledge watching will be upon me soon. The end of the nite included watchers-Brian,Joyce,Susan,CarolP,KathyO,Jeanne,LarryO,Marcia,Carrie,Shaky and myself. Another long day with plenty of smiles to go around! 🙂
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