By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
A very happy Mother’s Day to Beauty and all the moms out there! Every moment I have with my mom, I consider a gift.
I arrived downtown around 10:30 am. Lots of folks were out and about and it wasn’t easy finding a parking spot. Especially now that work has started on the Broad St Bridge and it is closed to parking. Something was going on at the Blue Cross Arena (aka Rochester War Memorial). I finally found a spot on Aqueduct St (aka “the hole”).
When I first arrived, (DC) was on the south corner, top Ibeam on OCSR. He didn’t stay long. He was off, either on a hunt, or picking up cached food. At 10:50 am, DC flew up to the nest box bringing in food. Beauty took the food, flew out from the nest box, and circled back, landing on the platform on the opposite side of main cam from DC. She took the food into the nest box to feed the 4 eyases. took off and headed back to OCSR, landing on the top IBeam, west corner.

At 11:08 am, Beauty finished feeding the eyases and cached the leftovers on OCSR, 2nd IBeam down. flew into the nest box to watch over his young ones. Beauty finished caching the food and returned to the nest box. came out and again landed on OCSR on the west corner. This is the perfect spot for him to watch over his family.

When I ended my watch, was on guard on OCSR and Beauty was in the nest box with their four eyases. All was quiet and peaceful.
Before leaving I walked up to Broad St. to check out the work being done. The two outer lanes, that would normally be used for parking are open to traffic. The center lanes are closed off and being worked on. According to what I heard on the radio, this work could continue into next summer. This could cause some problems for us during the fledge watch. We’ll have to wait and see. I’ll leave you with some pictures of the work being done on Broad St and the bridge. Take care and Happy Mother’s Day!