rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch- July 28th, 6:30-8:30– jeanne

When I arrived, Carol P and Dana said that Dotca was at the Old Changing Scene Restaurant ()CSR) I beam.  Orion was in the nestbox. After a few minutes, Beauty fly by fast from the direction of the jail, past the nestbox and past OCSR.  Orion started wailing upon seeing his mom.  Soon after, Dan S. and Joyce arrived.  We moved farther up BTB (Broad Street Bridge) so we could see the nestbox clearer.  As we did this, Orion again started to wail– he saw his dad fly to the building.  Dotca went to the top left ring.  Orion looked up.  He then went atop the nestbox, flapping.  From there, he went to the side of the nestbox and walked along the edge.  He went into the nestbox.  Dotca flew off the ring in the direction of the Hyatt but we lost sight of him.

All stayed quiet in the nestbox!  As an aside, last night, Dan S. and I witnessed something really unusual.  A great blue heron landed on the bridge railing!  It was only for a brief time but we had not seen that before!

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