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Eyes to the Skies

A Four Falcon Watch – January 9, 2010

From Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Today we found not one, not two, not three, but four adult Peregrine Falcons.  You can read all about it in this album.



11 Responses to “A Four Falcon Watch – January 9, 2010”

  1. Kim in Italy Says:

    Oh my! A new tiercel!!! I’ve a wish, a dream.. I think we all have the same.
    Thanks so much, Carol and all the Rochester Falcon Watchers!

  2. Kim in Italy Says:

    Reading better I see it was a pair, not a single tiercel.
    Okay, anyway let’s hope for the future.

  3. Maureen in MA Says:

    I would say that was definitely an awesome watch!! 😀 Thank you very much for sharing your adventure, and pictures with us!

  4. Carol P. Says:

    The plot thickens! The adult was back on the KP Research Lab bldg yesterday. Dana was on Watch after I left and saw a banded juvenile fly in and knock the adult off of the corner. The adult flew off to the east and the juvie flew around the top of the bldg and eventually flew off to the south. The adult was not banded, so it was not Mariah. Not to worry, Mariah is usually gone during this time of year.

    So, we’ve actually had 6 different Pergrine Falcons since Thursday. 1- Beauty, downtown. 2 & 3 – The 2 unbanded Falcons at a bldg to the west of the city. 4 – The unbanded adult on the KP Research Lab Bldg. 5 – The banded juvenile that knocked the adult off of the bldg and 6 – The unbanded juvenile that Dana saw hunting and eating in Irondequoit last Thursday.

    Rochester is becoming quite the Peregrine HOT SPOT this Winter. 🙂

  5. Alison in Indiana Says:

    You think you were cold? Pity poor Mercury without any clothes on 😉
    What a great adventure. I had to chuckle at the instruction “Sign in to like this photo.”
    I liked them all without signing in. Many thanks.

  6. Carol P. Says:

    Hahaha! Thanks Alison. and I liked taking them! 🙂

  7. Margaret Says:

    There may be another one around too. There was a picture in the Canandaigua Messenger Post paper in late December of a snapshot a reader had taken of a peregrine falcon sitting on a breakwall by Canandaigua Lake (it was so identified by the paper, and it sure looked like one to me). I just mailed the picture to June to be sure that it is a peregrine. I thought it unusual for it to be sitting so low, but there are many good birds on that lake at this time. Have there been other reports of that?

  8. Carol P. Says:

    Hi Margaret – We received that picture a couple of weeks ago and it was definitely a Peregrine Falcon and a beauty (aren’t they all? 😉 Some Peregrines hunt shore birds which bring them down low, usually near water. We had many pictures of Quest on the ground feeding on different shore birds in Cape Cod and Nantucket last year.

  9. chrissy Says:

    Those juvies are most likely struggling to get through this first winter, so it’s good to hear at least one of them found a meal. Perhaps someone’s cache?

    I’ve seen PFs patrolling the steep moraines in Bristol Hills near Canandaigua on a couple of occasions, so they’re out here, for sure.

  10. Barb Says:

    I wonder if Mariah might go up to the lake (like Quest) when she disappears?

  11. muffjen Says:

    Whatever happened to Mariah?

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