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Eyes to the Skies

Pictures of Pefa from Monday Evening 2-13-2012

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Joyce

See attached album on Picasa for some shots of the female peregrine on Times Square Monday approximately 4:40 pm.


I didn’t see any disheveled feathers. This female looks quite content. It is obvious that this bird has a black over red band. She didn’t show me her other leg, but I’m convinced this looks like Unity. See if you can read the letter on the red part of the band…


4 Responses to “Pictures of Pefa from Monday Evening 2-13-2012”

  1. Donna Says:

    I saw the pics Joyce, I just copied your link into my browser! Great pics of Unity! Thanks

  2. dumpsterkitty Says:

    I’m seeing what you’re seeing Joyce.

  3. margaret Says:

    Looks like Unity. Band looks like Unity’s . Are there any of the males around?

  4. Kris G. Says:

    I see the “H” and would definitely say it’s unity.

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