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Eyes to the Skies

Saturday Fledge Watch – Hot Day in the City! 6/18/16

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

It was very warm and humid today with temps in the high 80s. There weren’t as many watchers out due to the heat. Dan, Larry, Dana, Kathy O, Carol Lukka, Brian, Pat, Joyce, Carla, her sister Ann and me Carol P.

We saw all 4 juvies throughout the day. They did some flying, mostly in the morning when it was cooler. Most of the day they spent their time on various shady spots on the Times Square bldg.

Tomorrow is going to be another hot, humid day. But, I hope to see some nice flying in the morning. Keep cool everyone!

One Response to “Saturday Fledge Watch – Hot Day in the City! 6/18/16”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Tuned in to see a couple of juvies pancaked next to the nest box at 10:10 pm. Good night (ladies).

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