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Eyes to the Skies

Falcon watch 5-19-12

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Carol picked me up for an early morning watch and boy did Dot.ca(DC) keep us busy.When we arrived on the Broad St. Bridge(BSB) we saw a pefa on the main cam but it left before we could ID it. 5 minutes later Beauty was on the southwest corner of the Wilder building and DC was on the southeast side of the Times Square building(TSB) on a column one level higher than the nest box.


Beauty flew to the nest box and DC took flight over us before settling on the well column south of the nest box.


He then flew over to the Wilder building landed on the southwest corner where beauty had just vacated and then went to the nest box.

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A couple minutes later he shot out and headed south to the jail tower perching on the very top. At this point we decided to go check the Brighton Site(BS) for Pigott before the traffic for the Lilac Festival got to be too much. We found her on a northeast window ledge with a white feather on her head, she is so cute.


We were informed at this time that Beauty was laying her 2nd egg. Yipee! Congrats to Beauty and DC!! 10 minutes later DC flew in with a food package for Pigott. They both flew around the back of the building. She landed on a window ledge kitty corner across from the scrape and began eating. DC landed on a south corner and started preening.

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He then flew to the scrape echupping as Pigott ate her breakfast.We heard geese flying in and all of a sudden Pigott flew after them coming real low just missing giving one of them a thumping. Then both DC and Pigott flew in the scrape and did some echupping. DC then flew out and left the area while Pigott flew to a north window about half way down the building to keep an eye on the geese who were on the grass eating dandelion seeds. She then flew to a higher spot on the front of the building and this is where we left her to see if DC had gone back to downtown.

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On our way downtown Donna let us know DC was checking his newest egg out and when we arrived on the BSB he was in the scrape incubating. Dana and Dan came by to watch with us but I had to leave.  I had a rather large smile on my face from the mornings events to say the least! 🙂



5 Responses to “Falcon watch 5-19-12”

  1. Kathy Says:

    MAK, I love that picture of Pigot with that feather on her head! So happy for the second egg and the attention that Dot.Ca have been giving to both his ladies. Thanks for the report!

  2. Ginny Says:

    I love that picture of Pigott with the feather too 🙂
    And so happy for Beauty too!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. MAK Says:

    I’m just happy! 🙂

  4. Kathy in NJ Says:

    I’m sorry but is Pigott, Dot.ca’s other female? I guess I haven’t been keeping up with all of the going ons in Rochester and if she is the 2nd female, does she also have eggs?

  5. MAK Says:

    Pigott is the other female and we don’t know if she has produced eggs. We can’t see in her scrape to check. 🙂

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