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Eyes to the Skies

Non-falcon falcon watches 5/25,28&29/12

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Well I must say things sure have quieted down on the falcon watching front here in Rochester,NY. I thought I would say a few syllables in case those of you who look for my reports were wondering why you haven’t seen any in a while. I was in Canada 2 days last week and had some festivities over the Memorial day weekend to attend. My last 3 watches produced 1 brief sighting of Beauty on the deck of the nest box last Friday. And from the top of the South Ave. garage yesterday I could barely see the bump of Dot.Ca laying on the eggs in the nest box. Today I saw nothing. Pretty exciting stuff eh?

I had a chance to see them this morning as Beauty left the nest box and Dot.Ca  relieved her of  incubation duties but I missed it cuz LarryO and Cleo stopped by for a few minutes. The switch was made while Larry and I stood on the Broad St. Bridge chatting and not paying attention. Such is the life of a falcon watcher-you can sit for hours staring and the moment you look away bam that’s when they do something. Oh well, better luck next time as they say! The heat yesterday(low 90’s) and today(85 when I left downtown) were too much for me to stay much more than a couple hours. A cold front is coming through sometime today and the temperature for the rest of the week looks outstanding- in the 70’s so I will no doubt stay out watching a bit longer. I can handle that and hopefully the birds will be a little more active too. Nature did come to the rescue providing other things to entertain me for example yesterday I was treated to a swan family and several goose families. And today I watched a crow catch a crawfish in the rocks of the Genesee river and proceed to battle it without being grabbed by it’s claws. The crawfish finally succumbed to the relentless poking and wrestling of this crow.  The crow  filled  it’s beak with this protein enriched shellfish and took the morsels back to it’s nest in Aqueduct park to feed it’s young. So you see there’s always something to make you smile when nature is involved! 🙂

Click on the links below to view a few non-falcon pics and a video



3 Responses to “Non-falcon falcon watches 5/25,28&29/12”

  1. Joyce Says:

    That’s the nice part of downtown Rochester…there is always a way to enjoy nature in the city. Thanks for sharing MAK. Hopefully soon enough we’ll have more falcon activity to watch.

  2. BC Says:

    “Hopefully soon enough we’ll have more falcon activity to watch.”

    only the good kind I hope.

  3. Ginny Says:

    Hopefully you will have eyases to watch soon and report on 🙂
    Loved the “non-falcon” pics…that is one BIG family of geese!

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