2019 Fledges, Juvies Jupiter, Donna, Phoenix and Lakota!
By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
Wow! What a Fledge Watch this has been so far. All 4 juvies (yes, juvies) have successfully fledged. The Rochester Falcon Watchers have been very busy, covering from sun up to sun down, in all kinds of weather. I am so proud of this bunch of very passionate folks that love the falcons and want to be there in case they get into trouble. Thanks to all of you!
I finally had a chance to go through my 1,400 pictures taken over the past few days, and I’ve chosen a few to share. Enjoy!
June 19, 2019
<— Donna and Phoenix on the front of the TSB after they fledged.
June 21, 2019
<— Jupiter on Wilder Bldg ladder.
<— Lakota on top of the Times Square Bldg after his Fledge Flight.
<— Donna and Jupiter on the Corner of the Wilder Bldg.
<— Phoenix on the Powers Bldg.
June 22, 2019
<— Phoenix on the Telesca Bldg.
<— Love the flag pics! This year it’s Phoenix’s turn. 🙂
June 23, 2019
<— Dot.ca on Cam 1 aka Pan Cam.
<— Beauty Feeding Lakota on TSB Well Wall.
<— Phoenix on the Parapet Ledge, just above the nest box.
<— Phoenix is the first juvie to make it to the top of Cam 1 this year!
<— This is my favorite pic so far. Beauty landed with food and Donna chased her, while Phoenix watched from above. 🙂
<— Donna on Wilder looking for a shady spot.
<— Beauty loves to spread her wings on the Wilder green stripe. A well deserved rest!
<— Time to get back to work! Beauty takes off from the Wilder Bldg.
<— Beauty and Dot.ca meet for a short ee-chup session on the OCSR.
<— Phoenix and Lakota spent a lot of the day on the TSB well wall, near the nest box. They practiced flapping their wings and strengthening their muscles. They were the last two to fledge and I was happy to see them do this.
<— Jupiter, Donna and Beauty on WW. We saw a lot of Jupiter today, but it was mostly flying high and fast with Beauty and Dot.ca. He also loves to chase his sister Donna. When he was tired, he spent time napping on the ledge above the nest box in the shade.
We’ve also noticed that when Beauty and Dot.ca alarm kak when a TV or other intruder flies too close to the Times Square Bldg, both Donna and Jupiter both join their parents by alarm kaking loudly and looking up. Just one part of their training which they’ll go through over the next couple months.
So sorry I haven’t had a lot of time to leave more detailed reports this year. I’ll add more pictures over the next few days. The fledge watch continues for the next week or so. Watching these four young eyases, fledge and become juvies has been so much fun this year!
June 23rd, 2019 at 9:51 PM
Thanks for the beautiful photos, Carol. They are all great, but I think my favorite is the one of Jupiter on the Wilder ladder. I’ve been waiting for a good ladder picture. Donna spent some time over there a few days ago when I was watching, but in the afternoon whomever goes there is always in shadow.
June 23rd, 2019 at 10:02 PM
Fantastic Carol!! They sure are getting around!! Can’t wait to see them!!
June 23rd, 2019 at 10:27 PM
Thanks for the great pics, Carol! Sounds like our fledglings are doing well…hope they continue to fly high and stay safe!
June 23rd, 2019 at 11:21 PM
Carol, thank you for these photos! They are awesome! I like how you all remember their names. Continue to take photos when you can!
June 25th, 2019 at 2:05 PM
Congratulations on such a successful “Class of 2019!”
Thank you to Carol for the Blog updates, and to all of the Watchers.
Spectacular shots, Carol! Any chance you might find time to include some videos of the PEFAs in action? Just a thought… ;^)
June 26th, 2019 at 11:18 PM
Thank you so much, Carol P. for taking time out of your tireless falcon watching to cull your photos and give us a detailed photo report of this successful fledge season.
July 21st, 2019 at 9:06 PM
Thanks everyone!