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Eyes to the Skies

Sunday Morning Falcon Watch 6-7-20

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

So, here we are. It’s almost that time of year again, when our young eyases are losing their white fluff and getting ready to take their first flights. The Rochester Falcon Watchers are preparing to start the fledge watch. The eyases still have a lot of white fluff, so we still have a little bit of time.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Temps starting out in the 50’s, with bright sunshine and a brilliant blue sky. Dana and Lisa McK joined me for the morning watch. We decided to watch from the hole (aka Aqueduct St). From there we could see the eyas that had made it out onto the wall.

Our young falcons will not be banded this year due to the corona virus. So, we are looking for ways to tell them apart. We’re pretty sure that we have one boy and two girls. The smaller, blue footed eyas is the first to make it out onto the wall and is most probably a male. The two larger, yellow footed eyases are probably females.

From our position, we could see the eyas on the wall. Beauty was on top of the Mercury statue and Dot.ca was on top of the Times Square Bldg (TSB) under the NE wing.

Dot.ca on the TSB
Beauty on top of Mercury

Then there was our eyas playing peek-a-boo from the wall.

Male Eyas on the Wall

Here are some pics of the wall walking eyas that I took during the watch.

Finally all three eyases came into view!

All Three Eyases in a Row!

Here’s the girls!

Both Girls on the Nest Box Platform

It’s just a matter of time before they join their brother on the wall.

The Girls Will Go to the Wall Soon

When we ended our watch, Dot.ca was up on top of the TSB on the wing ring. We weren’t sure where Beauty was, maybe on Cam 4.

Dot.ca on the Wing Ring
Our View from the Hole

On our way home, we checked Seneca Towers. There was one adult up on the railing of the building. Last week we saw both adults (Billie & Beau?). We’re definitely keeping an eye on this area.

Please keep safe everyone!

6 Responses to “Sunday Morning Falcon Watch 6-7-20”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Great shots, Carol. I especially love the one of the eyas jumping off of the steps.

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    That is my favorite, too, patsy6.
    Thank-you for the great report, CarolP
    Good luck keeping those girls separate in your mind; the differences do not look so great in the images I have seen so far.

  3. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! Roc will more than likely be our first fledge! I think he’ll be Dot.ca’s shadow. 🙂

  4. Carol P. Says:

    Thank you Alison! It’s going to be really hard this year.

  5. Barb D'Ambra Says:

    Beautiful pictures! I love reading the posts. I am indeed addicted to this site. Every day, several times a day, I check to see how our eyases are doing.

  6. Carol P. Says:

    Hi Barb! Thanks! From one addicted falcon fan to another! 🙂

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