rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Thursday AM/PM Fledge Watch – 6/11/20

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Kathy O, Sue, Shaky, Dana and I were on watch this morning. I missed Larry O, who was there earlier.

It was a very quiet watch. The temps were much cooler than yesterday (70’s F) and there was a gusty wind.

When our watch ended, Carrie arrived to take over. We just missed seeing Roc fledge.

Here are some pictures from today’s fledge watch.

Beauty, Geraki & Hope
Our View from the Hole
Beauty Giving Flying Lessons
Beautiful Wings!
Roc on Cam 4
Dot.ca and Beauty Under the TSB Wings
Time for Lunch

2 Responses to “Thursday AM/PM Fledge Watch – 6/11/20”

  1. Thomas Myers Says:

    We live on the 20th floor of the Metropolitan and love looking for Beauty and Dot.ca to fly around. Especially exciting to hear the fledgling are flying. We have seen the parents flying around more, must have been giving lessons.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Hi Thomas. You must have a lovely view of the city and the falcons. 🙂

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