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Eyes to the Skies

Afternoon/Evening Fledge Watch 6-12-2020

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Pat

There were no new fledges on our afternoon/evening fledge watch on Friday, but Roc and his sisters Hope and Geraki still kept us busy. Roc visited some of our Rochester landmarks and further explored the Times Square Building (including an attempted landing at the very top, on the wing ring), while Geraki and Hope continued flapping and practicing their wing stretches.

Roc on Times Square Building East Facade
Roc Flapping
Roc on Crossroads Building
Roc – Not a 10-Point Landing on Wing Ring
And Down He Goes – With Parent Hovering
Curbside Delivery from Beauty to Roc
Dot.ca Watches from the Wilder Building

One Response to “Afternoon/Evening Fledge Watch 6-12-2020”

  1. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! You got some very nice pics. Poor Roc’s near miss on the ring wing. I give him an A for effort! 🙂

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