rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch (06/19/20)

Larry OHeron (06:15 – 08:00)

06:23. Court Street Falcon watch. Beauty is on pan cam.

06:28. Court Street dam promenade Falcon watch. There’s a falcon on the air conditioning unit of the telesca building.

Between Carol’s report and my report, that makes all five.

06:31. Falcon left telesca building, headed west

06:33. Per shaky cam id report of falcon on telesca as g, g just left telesca, headed west.

07:06. Falcon Central. DC left widow’s walk, looped and flew to sw wing ring.

07:36. DC left the wing, followed by beauty, followed by roc. Most of the action happened behind building so we couldn’t really see it, but then roc came in and made a very nice landing under the northeast wing next to Hope.

07:40. G left her position on the extension, flew around the backside of times square, came up State Street and circled back to climb and climb until landing on the ledge several feet below hope. She had to struggle to make the landing, but it was an good attempt.

07:47. Hope flew to the top southern most part of crossroads, above the fire exit shaft.

End of Watch

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