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Eyes to the Skies

A&B Weekend Watches: March 27 & March 28, 2010

From Rochester Falcon Watcher ~Joyce

There was lots of flying and courtship activity this weekend. Saturday was nice and sunny, but Sunday afternoon became windy, cloudy and rainy.  Despite the change in weather, my watch was rewarding.  Here are some pictures from Saturday and Sunday’s afternoon watches.


Or, enjoy them in a slideshow http://tinyurl.com/yj5ds9s

~Joyce (aka wnyfalconwatcher on Picasa)

3 Responses to “A&B Weekend Watches: March 27 & March 28, 2010”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    What great sequences you caught and posted for us all to see!

  2. Barb C Says:

    That’s voyeurism, that is. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Maureen in MA Says:

    Beauty does look regal atop Mercury’s pouch of gold! 😀 All great shots (except maybe for the ‘after dinner’ shot, no pun intended, LOL)! Thank you for sharing with us!!

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