Falcon Watch 03/30/31 12:45 pm
Stopped by the Broad St bridge with a Subway’s meatball sandwich and caught sight of Dan S, sitting in a chair on the bridge, and apparently not up to a whole lot. He directed me to a parking spot (charging $5.00 in the process) and briefed me on the location of falcons. One on Ocsr and the other unlocated, whereupon I spied it on Mercury. Dan S cursed and grumbled about how sneaky peregrines are and we settled into a very, bery blustery watch.
The highlight came when a crow flew between them and the scrape. First Archer (from OCSR) and then Beauty (from Mercury) took off to bedevil the poor corvid, but it was short-lived as the crow kept moving out of the area of the scrape. … by Larry O’Heron
March 31st, 2010 at 10:28 AM
Thanks, Larry, Dan too, for braving the elements. You never know what you’ll miss with this pair as they’re both learning as they go along. Usually one or the other of a new pair is experienced. Not to worry, warm weather is on the way!