Falcon Watch – 7/16/21
By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
Morning Falcon Watchers: Larry O, Dana and Carol P.
It had been a few days since I had seen Golden. He had been seen and heard on the Rfalconcam cameras multiple times yesterday afternoon, so I was hoping he’d be around this morning. I was not disappointed.
For the first hour or so, I only found Beauty and Dot.ca. I searched all over the downtown area with no luck finding Golden. So, I settled on the Court St Bridge to continue my morning watch.
After a few minutes, a falcon zipped through over the Court St Bridge, heading south. Pigeons took to the air in panicked flight, trying to escape the speedy huntress. One was not so lucky. Beauty snatched one up and headed back to the Blue Cross Arena. She landed on the roof and I heard the glorious call of a juvie falcon. Golden followed his mom and also landed on the roof. Both took off, I lost track of where Beauty headed with her meal.
Golden flew over to the Civic Ctr roof across the street from the Blue Cross Arena. I wasn’t sure where Beauty ended up. By the time I drove closer for a better view, Golden took off heading north. The only falcon in view, when I ended my morning watch, was Dot.ca on the south side of the OCSR.
After I left, Dana spotted both Beauty and Golden near Midtown, both with full crops. Obviously, Golden found Beauty and shared her meal.
Here are some pictures from my morning watch. Enjoy!