rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch – 5/19/24

8:00 – 10:30 am.

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

It’s that time of year again. Our four eyases are growing like weeds and Nova and Neander are busy hunting, providing for and protecting them. So, when the watchers are downtown, it’s usually pretty easy to see activity around the Times Square Bldg nest box.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning! The sun was shining and the temps were warming up nicely. Larry O joined me with his dogs Gimli and Cozi.

When I first arrived, Nova was on top of the Rfalconcam Main Camera. The eyases in the nest box were able to see her. I was not able to see Neander, who was on the Main St side of the Wilder Chimney. But Shaky or Eileen pointed our Pan Cam, Camera #3 to his location.

There are a lot of changes to the area surrounding the Times Square Bldg. The hole, aka Aqueduct St, has had the most changes since Constellation Brands is moving into the Aqueduct Bldg. Where we used to watch the falcons from is now pretty much off limits to us. We’ll adapt.

Here are a couple pictures from my Sunday morning watch. Enjoy!

Nova on Top of Main Camera
Neander on the TSB NE Wing Ledge

One Response to “Falcon Watch – 5/19/24”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Wow, six months to the date since the last report from the streets of Rochester.
    So good to read this from you, Carol P, and see your lovely photos!

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