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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – Day 2 – 6/9/24

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

This is the 2nd day of our fledge watch for the Rochester eyases.

Day 1 of the fledge watch passed quickly. I won’t say it was uneventful, since there was a lot of flapping by all 4 eyases. Justice, Meng and Mighty ran the wall while Walker looked on. Yesterday’s fledge watchers were Larry O, Carol P and Dana (morning); Lisa, Brian and Joyce (afternoon/evening).

Day 2 had much more activity. Nova and Neander brought leftovers in multiple times. Neander tended to let the eyases grab it from him, but Nova would stay for a moment, then take off with the food. The eyases would scream for her to bring it back. Sometimes she would, sometimes she wouldn’t. All training to entice them to take their first flights.

Some Turkey Vultures would wander too close and Nova and Neander would vocalize loudly, alarm kakking! If that didn’t scare them off, the adult falcons would take flight and chase the TVs out of their territory, keeping the skies above and around the Times Square Bldg clear for their eyases first flights.

All 4 eyases continue to wingercise, strengthening their flight muscles. They are amazing to watch. Again Justice, Meng and Mighty ran up and down the wall. Walker has yet to go there, but we have to remember he is much younger than the others.

Today’s morning fledge watchers were Kathy O, Dana, Larry O, Linda and Carol P. We left after 1:00 pm, when it was quiet.

Late this afternoon, Lisa, Joyce and Carrie are the fledge watchers. They started their watch in the rain. It’s now stopped raining and the eyases are flapping. Justice and Meng on the wall and Mighty & Walker closer to the nest box. As of 4:50 pm. Still very cloudy and more rain expected. This may keep them from fledging tonight, but you never know!

The fledge watch continues!

Right now, I’m too busy to share any of my pictures, but I’ll try to continue to post updates. Busy times!

One Response to “Fledge Watch – Day 2 – 6/9/24”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Thanks for the eye witness accounts. I trust they will not fledge quite yet, although my money is on Justice as first to go.

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