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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – Day 3 – 6/10/24

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning/Early Afternoon Watchers: Dana, Larry, Kathy O and Carol P

The weather left much to be desired. Cold, cloudy and misty rain most of the morning. You almost needed a winter jacket!

For whatever reason, Nova and Neander seemed to not want the eyases to fledge today. It was mostly quiet, quieter than yesterday. The eyases continue to wingercise and strengthen their wings. Nova and Neander brought in more food than yesterday.

The highlight of our watch was seeing Walker finally make his way to the wall. He continued out along the wall until he found the food left there from an earlier feeding. Go Walker!

Afternoon/Evening Watchers: Pat, Brian, Carrie, Joyce, Carla P and Lisa.

Lots of flying by Nova and Neander. Chased out a Turkey Vulture from the territory.

Highlight of evening watch as of 6:30 pm. Justice made it to the top of Cam 4!

No fledges yet.

Eileen notified us that Mighty has lost her red tape. Thankfully, she is larger and darker than Justice, so we should be able to ID them.

Meng fledged this evening! She flew out and back towards the Times Square Bldg escorted by an adult. Watcher Joyce reported seeing her land on the TSB above the nest box. Hopefully Justice, Mighty and Walker will settle down for the evening. The morning fledge watchers will look for Meng tomorrow morning. Be safe Meng!

One Response to “Fledge Watch – Day 3 – 6/10/24”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Gee, y’all left too soon. Meng is reported as having fledged at 19:28. Unusual for a big girl to go first.

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