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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – Day 4 – 6/11/24

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Justice and Mighty on the Wilder Chimney

And then there was one. One unfledged eyas, Walker!

It was a double fledge afternoon here in Rochester, NY.

After spending nearly 7 hours sitting in a cold rain, with no fledges this morning/early afternoon, I had to leave. Soon after I left, both Justice and Mighty fledged pretty close together.

Morning/Early Afternoon Watchers: Dana, Carol P, Kathy O, Larry O.

Afternoon/Evening Watchers: Kathy O, Pat, Joyce, Carrie, Carla P, Lisa & Larry O.

On Cameras: Shaky, Ei and Annette.

Justice fledged first. He flew around to the south side of the Times Square Bldg (TSB) out of view. Later he walked/hopped back to the south ledge where we could see him.

Mighty flew, soon after, flew down to the pillars on the east side of the Times Square Bldg and then to the Wilder Chimney.

Both have been back to the nest box to visit with Walker and have made multiple trips to the Wilder Chimney.

You ask, how about Meng? Well, she remains on the parapet above the nest box where she fledged to yesterday. We witnessed her receiving food from both parents this morning. She’s fine, doing lots of wingercising. I’m sure she’ll take more flights soon.

Walker is younger, so he’ll probably wait a little longer to fledge.

These are exciting and nervous times for the Rochester Falcon Watchers. If you’re walking around the Times Square Bldg and you see someone with a camera and binoculars, stop by and say hello. We’ll be happy to point out the locations of the Rochester Falcons.

Also, a big welcome to our new neighbors at Constellation Brand who just moved into their new location on Aqueduct St. We’ve met quite a few of you!

Update: 8:30 pm. Watcher and Mighty have settled down in the boy cave (left side of the nest box). Meng finally flew again. She ended up in the center section between the parapets one the east side of the TSB. Justice by light on NW wing ledge.

One Response to “Fledge Watch – Day 4 – 6/11/24”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Thanks for the great wrap-up.
    I kind of though Meng was a bit too early out of the start gate (although that first flight was beautiful). I am glad she took most of today to gather strength and confidence before setting off today.

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