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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – Day 5 – 6/12/24

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning/Early Afternoon Watchers: Dana, Larry O, Kathy O, Carol P and Shaky.

Afternoon/Evening Watchers: Brian, Carrie, Pat, Joyce, Carla P & Jeanne.

Camera Operators and Watchers: Shaky, Eileen & Annette.

I arrived downtown at 6:30 am. Dana was already there, so she pointed out where each of the 3 fledged juvies were. Walker has still not fledged as of 5:00 pm.

Soon after I arrived, the juvies started flying all over the area. If you follow the watchers tweets, you know all the details of the excitement we had this morning. Meng is doing great. She made multiple long flights and nailed her landings. Mighty and Justice took turns returning to the nest box to spend time with Walker.

Nova and Neander are keeping a close eye on all of their young, keeping the skies above the TSB clear. That is until a very large blimp from Dick’s Sporting Goods came through multiple times, way too close as far as I was concerned. After passing by three times, they left the area. Surprisingly Nova never alarm kakked when it flew through. But, she sure did when someone was up on the roof of the Telesca Bldg.

It seems pretty quiet on the Afternoon/Evening Watch. If anything exciting is reported, I’ll add it later.

After 2 days of cold rain and wind, today was a joy, with temps into the 70s, blue sky and sunshine. A lovely day!

Update: Flying by the 3 juvies and Nova and Neander. At 8:29 pm, Walker has settled by himself in the boy cave, left of the nest box. Will one of the juvies join him?

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