Fledge/juvie watch 8-14-12
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
It was a dark overcast morning as I made my way to the bus stop. When I arrived downtown Dan wasn’t there on the bridge but Larry was and he had one falcon on the jail tower 3rd arm south side. Soon after a falcon flew up from under the Court St. bridge and went to the Civic Center roof to eat whatever it caught by the river. The pefa on the jail tower flew off and returned landing on the top arm west side. They both left heading north so I decided to walk over to the Frontier Communications Tower(FCT) after Larry left. Bingo-when I got there I found Orion on the south side railing and one flew off to the east.
DC showed up landing on the north platform railing directly above Beauty who was on one of the cubes. Orion was somewhere inside the structure hiding on me and then he went down low on the tower east side ibeam.
DC left and that would be the last I saw of him on my watch. Beauty and Orion hung out together on the FCT for the rest of my watch. At one point Orion was eating when Beauty moved in to try and take it from him. Nothing doing at the start as she would fly off the tower 3 times and return to try again. Finally she snagged it and started eating while he sang very loudly. Eventually he went over to her and let his mom feed him a few morsels beak to beak before grabbing the rest and scaring Beauty off once more.
After all traces of breakfast were devoured they settled in for some preening and napping for the remainder of my watch.
It seemed like they were settled in for a while so I ended my watch and left for the next bus home smiling as I thought about the food fight that took place! 🙂
I took many videos and a photo album for which you can click on the links below to view
August 14th, 2012 at 6:25 PM
Great pics/videos MAK!! Thanks for all you do to bring these beautiful creatures so up close & personal!
August 14th, 2012 at 6:25 PM
Wonderful videos and photos MAK! So great to hear Orion ‘singing’ again, I miss that sound!
August 14th, 2012 at 8:20 PM
I loved the pics but especially the one of Beauty feeding Orion 🙂
It was good to hear Orion singing too! That is such a precious sound.
Thank you!
August 14th, 2012 at 10:34 PM
OMG I loved all the videos today! Orion is so entertaining! 🙂