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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – June 25, 2010 (7-9 am)

Rochester Falcon Watcher: Jeanne

When I arrived, Callidora and Jemison were perched on favorite spots – the colum and the ledge. One parent (I believe it was Beauty) was beneath the wings. I was joined later by James, MAK and later Jim P.

Everything was fairly calm. At one point, I heard kakking and in flew Archer. Beauty went to meet him and they both flew a bit and then each returned to the building.  No food exchange. The girls did not react. For most of my watch, the column percher was in sight but the juvie near the ledge would only occasionally put her head up. Beauty would take off a few times but did not bring in food. There was intermittent kakking but I wasn’t sure who was doing it (though it seemed to be the girls—they hadn’t been fed). Lots of preening.

Many passersby were interested in the falcons. One man said he saw a falcon catch a pigeon near the Democrat and Chronicle (the building to the left of the Times Square Building). He said feathers were flying everywhere and two other passersby were looking up trying to figure out why there were so many feathers!

When I left, all was calm!

One Response to “Fledge Watch – June 25, 2010 (7-9 am)”

  1. Donna Says:

    Very good jeanne…thank you! Since your all in a new area, you’ll probably get more people interested. Good job.

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